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Tiger Avon or Super 6
neilp1 - 26/5/09 at 06:49 PM

Hi all, this is my first post on the site.

I'm looking to buy either a Tiger Avon or super 6 and would like to now the differences between them, if any. Also how big is the cabin space as I'm qiute a wide guy!!


twybrow - 26/5/09 at 06:58 PM

Welcome Neil! I would suggest you put your location on, then you will probably find people near you with both types. You might even blag a ride or too if you ask nicely!

As for the two cars you are looking at, I beleive the Super 6 uses the whole Sierra backend, which is heavy. I stand to be corrected, but I believe the Super 6 will be around 50kg heavier than an equivalent Avon.

The Avon looks like a nice car - there are a few building issues with them, but they will all be covered on here. When finished, I think they look pretty tidy. I found the Avon to be very spacious (I am tall rather than wide), but I would say the fit and comfort is mostly down to you pedal and seat choice.

Anyway, enough from me. Good luck with the build(?)/purchase.

andrew.carwithen - 26/5/09 at 07:14 PM

Nope. The Super Six uses a Cortina live rear Axle (its the Cat E1 that uses the complete Sierra rear end) whereas the Avon uses IRS incorporating bespoke rear wishbones and Sierra diff/driveshafts/brakes.
The Six is heavier and slightly larger than the Avon but, I believe, has a narrower cockpit. It also uses VW golf hubs/uprights on the front whereas the Avon uses more typical Cortina hubs/brakes and modified Escort steering rack. The Six has now been discontinued by Tiger due to the shortage of Cortina rear axles.
Look up for more comprehensive info on the various models.

[Edited on 26/5/09 by andrew.carwithen]

afj - 26/5/09 at 07:49 PM

have you visited any of the other kit car companys yet? i live 10 miles from tiger and went to talk to them about a B6 (with a wad of cash i might add),what i recieved was a 10 minute rant about how sh*t becs are, that kind of put me of tiger as a company, but the cars do look good

matt.c - 26/5/09 at 09:10 PM

Originally posted by afj
have you visited any of the other kit car companys yet? i live 10 miles from tiger and went to talk to them about a B6 (with a wad of cash i might add),what i recieved was a 10 minute rant about how sh*t becs are, that kind of put me of tiger as a company, but the cars do look good

Yep i got the same!!

I now really want to take my indy to an open day lol

martinq357 - 27/5/09 at 08:55 AM

Yup, Tiger aren't fans of BEC's, that said they did tie up with Z--Cars and produce that twin engined B6 that appeared on 5th Gear a few years back.....

I tried a Six for size (6'2" and average build) and found it on the narrow side. The Avon has more room and I think with floor mounted pedals it will have more leg room.

I always thought the Six was better looking but looks are subjective and I bought a Cat anyway!!!

jamrogers - 2/6/09 at 06:08 PM

avon - cheeper, lighter, quicker

JacksAvon - 10/6/09 at 03:42 PM

Avon...... every time, light, great handling for either track or road