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What's a Tiger Cat?
lsdweb - 2/10/08 at 04:32 PM

Hi All

I'm browsing eBay and trying to work out what a Tiger Cat is? The web site mentions it uses the entire Sierra rear end. What does that really mean? Is it just the diff, shafts and uprights or does it use some kind of (heavy!) cradle as well?

[Edited on 2/10/08 by lsdweb]

cryoman1965 - 2/10/08 at 04:36 PM

It uses the whole of the Sierra suspension set up.
VERY heavy.
Robin Hood 2Bs use this system


lsdweb - 2/10/08 at 05:08 PM

I won't be bidding on one of those then!

Avoneer - 2/10/08 at 05:19 PM

Was gonna sum it up in one word, but someone beat me to it:



oliwb - 2/10/08 at 05:41 PM

Not all of them are as heavy as that! I've done away with the rear end and converted it to de-dion....a fairly easy conversion. They have a really good front suspension setup as well...Oli.

Avoneer - 2/10/08 at 07:52 PM

Good front suspension ???

I'm aware of plenty of failures of the rear bush giving way on the lower front trailing arm.

There's also that perfectly engineered typical Tiger bonnet with added full length vent to let the heat out.


lsdweb - 2/10/08 at 10:04 PM

Pat - that's not pretty!

oliwb - 3/10/08 at 03:39 PM

Ahhh but it does produce a very linear force on the front shocks unlike the typical '7' front suspension. It uses a large rocker arm which means that vertical motion at the wheel is transmitted as vertical motion at the shock. The bonnets (in fact most of the bodywork) is crap though....Oli.

lsdweb - 4/10/08 at 12:59 PM


Not all of them are as heavy as that! I've done away with the rear end and converted it to de-dion.

Do you have any pictures of 'your' conversion? I'd still be tempted by the car if the price is low enough to do he deDion conversion!