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R1 sump differences
martinste - 27/1/09 at 06:11 PM

I understand the 5pw R1 engine has a greater oil capacity over the 4xv.
Does anyone know if there is much of a difference in sump depth and if they are interchangeable? Also are the oil pickups different?
Have the 5pw at the mo and am looking for a little more ground clearance without rewelding the mounts.
Cheers martin

[Edited on 27/1/09 by martinste]

yorkshire-engines - 27/1/09 at 08:25 PM

Hi Martin the oil pans are not interchangable there isnt much difference in size as well

cheer s malc

yorkshire-engines - 27/1/09 at 08:25 PM

Hi Martin the oil pans are not interchangable there isnt much difference in size as well

cheer s malc

martinste - 29/1/09 at 09:10 AM

Thanks malc

I guess welding it is...

cheers martin

progers - 29/1/09 at 12:16 PM

I would not recommend that you do that. Even the 5PW sump is pretty shallow compared with most other bikes and you run the risk of upsetting the good oil surge properties of the existing sump.

Much better to raise you engine mounts a tad, even though it might mean tweaking exhaust and centre bearing mounts.

- Paul

martinste - 29/1/09 at 01:53 PM

Ooops, meant rewelding the mounts.
Sorry for being vague.

Thanks martin