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how to persuade the wife for a BEC???
leemarkadams - 29/3/09 at 02:30 PM

Hello all, just wondered if anyone can come up with a few good reasons why I should get a BEC? Was due to look at Meeerrrk's today but at the last minute the wife said they are dangerous and not good value.

I have tried the performance and fun card, but she is not really buying it! The silly thing is she would rather I bought a Subaru Impreza or a lancer EVO to use at weekends and the odd trackdays. She has even suggested a TVR Tuscan or a VX220 Turbo (Which I quite fancy myself but cost a fair bit more than a BEC). I could but any of those cars but I know a BEC is cheap to run, good fun to throw around but she is concerned about the safety aspect.

Any advice greatly appreciated, as want a weekend 'toy' and occasional track day thing, but at 36 years old feel I may be a bit old for a Jap car?

Help me BEC're my only hope!


Steve Hignett - 29/3/09 at 02:33 PM

Divorce her and buy it. It'll be worth it in the long run...

fesycresy - 29/3/09 at 02:37 PM

I was about to buy a Tuscan and saw a post on Pistonheads.

'If you worry about the cost of an engine rebuild, this isn't the car for you'.

A ticking time bomb after 20k miles

The biggest point I would say, is to buy at the right price, there are quite a few of those around, and face very little depreciation.

leemarkadams - 29/3/09 at 02:43 PM

Looked into Tuscans and aware of the pitfalls, but when running right are fantastic, however come with fantastic running costs also!

BECs are smuch cheaper to run! Just got to persuade the wife now...

daniel mason - 29/3/09 at 02:50 PM

dont take her out in one! she will crap herself! lol. just go for it.there is some nice ones around at moment and even in this economic climate they seem to be selling!

tomprescott - 29/3/09 at 03:05 PM

1. Cheaper than kids - and less painful!
2. Have you looked at cobra's yet?
3. Safer than a bike
4. As ^^^, just do it - if she loves you she'll stay you might be in the doghouse for a bit but it'll be worth it.
5. Evo's and Imprezas are too common

Jon Ison - 29/3/09 at 03:05 PM

Well from a safety point of view I have had my hardest and fastest "incidents" in BEC's including barrel rolling, walked away from them all.

Cost, well £ per smile nothing to beat it.

Security, don't seem to attract tea leafs.

Insurance, cheap as chips...

When your out in it at least she knows your not down pub

Any more ?

leemarkadams - 29/3/09 at 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Jon Ison
Well from a safety point of view I have had my hardest and fastest "incidents" in BEC's including barrel rolling, walked away from them all.

Cost, well £ per smile nothing to beat it.

Security, don't seem to attract tea leafs.

Insurance, cheap as chips...

When your out in it at least she knows your not down pub

Any more ?

I agree with all them, but it is trying to persuade her that is the problem! I want one as there is not much out there that will perform faster on a lane or a track, she has even suggested an Elise but I feel they would be too slow after a while. Besides I like a car I can 'tinker' with.

austin man - 29/3/09 at 03:29 PM

you could always go the I wear the trousers in this house route

Benzine - 29/3/09 at 03:42 PM

Buy a BEC then never take the bonnet off and claim there's a pinto under there

Richard Quinn - 29/3/09 at 04:16 PM

1.0 litre engine and cheap road fund licence worked for me!

leemarkadams - 29/3/09 at 04:28 PM

It is not the engine she is bothered about, it is the safety aspect of the car!


Ivan - 29/3/09 at 04:35 PM

I think you should do a big sell regarding how safe the whole roll cage makes them compared to any tintop without a cage (Absolutely true too so no lies to be caught out on). And also how well they handle minimising the risk of an accident.

Oh and also how much cheaper than a tintop they are to repair after a big off or engine blowup.

[Edited on 29/3/09 by Ivan]

Paul TigerB6 - 29/3/09 at 04:43 PM

Originally posted by leemarkadams
It is not the engine she is bothered about, it is the safety aspect of the car!


Having seen a Tiger Super 6 that had a head on crash with a tintop, i know which one i would have chosen to be in!! The Tiger driver stepped out, while the tintop driver had to wait for the fire brigade to cut them out and even then they had broken legs due to the Tiger chassis wiping out the front of their car!!! A full roll cage would be useful for a track car anyway, and a BEC will no doubt have 4 point harnesses, so how much safer does she want??

Tell your missus she hasnt got a clue what she's talking about so keep her nose out - i didnt say that though!!

Toltec - 29/3/09 at 05:07 PM

Originally posted by leemarkadams
Looked into Tuscans and aware of the pitfalls, but when running right are fantastic, however come with fantastic running costs also!

BECs are smuch cheaper to run! Just got to persuade the wife now...

The V8 TVRs are cheaper to run, I have a 400SE owned with a mate that is a track/weekend toy.

Building a BEC though

bassett - 29/3/09 at 05:45 PM

get one with a full cage - annoying to get into but almost the safest thing you could buy

Hellfire - 29/3/09 at 06:30 PM

Show her a car with a full roll cage and explain to her that because the car has such a low centre of gravity, it is far less likely to roll over than any other car she cares to mention. Tintops may look safer but I know which one I'd prefer to have an accident in. I'm not sure where she's coming from on the 'value for money' front either. I'd say most sevens hold their value extremely well compared to other performance cars on the market.

Also, because they're usually brightly coloured and loud, they're easily noticed on the roads.

Try those and let us all know how you get on. If they don't work, I'm sure we can come up with some more........


JUD - 29/3/09 at 06:36 PM

Don't get any of the other cars you mentioned in your posts. They will cost you more to buy, more to run and on a track you will outrun most of them in a reasonable 7.

Imagine trundling round a circuit in a Scooby/VX220/Elise or whatever - just to be overtaken by every 7-type car there... I think you would find that a bit annoying after a while. To get those sort of cars as quick & agile for a track you will have to spend quite a bit of fettling cash.

I was at a trackday with a guy in a Tuscan last year. His engine rebuild cost more than my car and 3 years running costs to date. Much as I love TVRs I would stick to RV8s for lower running costs.

It sounds as though BEC/CEC isn't the issue - but the notion of a 7-style car.

Frankly applying logic probably won't work on SWMBO - but everything that has been said about full cage, 4/6point harnesses etc is valid.

Do what I did - threaten to get a bike and then hit SWMBO with the stats about deaths in middle-aged bikers. Then manage expectations down to a BEC.

Interesting to see she thinks an Elise would be "safer". Perhaps a Fisher Fury would kid her into thinking there is as much plastic bodywork around you?

Mark's car (Meeerrrk) is excellent, you won't go far wrong with it. Peddled really well round Lydden last week. I am sure you could get a full cage on that if it was the tipping point for your missus. Search on here for the company that does them - can't remember the name at the moment.

If all that logic doesn't work then divorce is the only answer

You know it makes sense.

leemarkadams - 29/3/09 at 07:25 PM

Well, the discussion continues....

She is getting a Louis Vitton handbag and I can get a BEC as long as I have a cage fitted (sooner rather than later).

So, where would be the best place to get a cage fitted and what sort of money would I be looking at?

Where do people tend to meet up with these cars?



Cubby - 29/3/09 at 07:25 PM

Can't see your problem. Ain't BEC's for girls anyway!!!! LOL

Ninehigh - 29/3/09 at 07:44 PM

Build it in alonside the chassis I guess.

For some reason the only problem my missus has is that I'll break parts trying to fit it all together. Mind you I get the feeling she doesn't think I'll ever start/finish it!

r1bob - 29/3/09 at 08:16 PM

Tell her it's safer than being on a bike, that's what i told the misses, she seemed quite happy with that, she told me i need decent tyre's ,??? so got some toyo's888 did'nt show her the bill mind!!!

nstrug - 29/3/09 at 09:14 PM

My wife wasn't convinced at all about BECs, she just thought that the lack of torque would make the car hard to drive and slow and would have preferred a car engine.

Her first passenger ride in one (Duncan Cowper's Turbo 'busa Rush) convinced her otherwise.


leemarkadams - 29/3/09 at 09:24 PM

Hi all, well it is starting to look a lot rosier now as a full roll cage would swing it!

So, hoping to look ar Meeerrrk's car soon and go from there.


JUD - 29/3/09 at 09:44 PM

A hand bag and a roll cage - that wasn't too hard to sell then

Check here for some ideas on full cages.

Get it done!

leemarkadams - 29/3/09 at 10:43 PM

Stupid thing is the handbag will cost twice the cost of a roll cage!

Just got to go and see the car now.....


Meeerrrk - 30/3/09 at 05:35 PM

as said to you via email lee, aries supply a full msa approved cage for 400 notes.

Also as said, when you have the money & a wife who is "on board" then please get in touch.

good luck with the car hunt,


Dangle_kt - 30/3/09 at 06:37 PM

Start taking bike lessons.

THEN she will panic and be happy for you to buy a super safe BEC

sucksqueezebangblow - 31/3/09 at 10:44 AM

Originally posted by leemarkadams
She is getting a Louis Vitton handbag and I can get a BEC as long as I have a cage fitted (sooner rather than later).

Phew, that's more like it. Tell her to stick to shoes and handbags! You had me worried there, taking advice on cars from a girl! I was going to sugest you get a well paded tintop and keep away from sharp objects