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Oil pressure/water temp
Berwyn - 15/3/04 at 12:33 PM

Hopefulyy someone can help me out here :'(
I have , as i think a lot of people, used a micra rad on a fireblade Indy. I have used the standard thermo switch in the rad from the micra, that seems to switch at approx 100Deg.
I have also fitted an oil pressure sender in-line with the oil pressure switch.
OK.......When the engine is running at about 80deg, i am measuring approx 4.5 bar when reving at about 4000 rpm. This is not far off what mr Haynes says in the book.
BUT...When then water thermostat reads 100 degrees, (before the micra rad fan comes on) the oil pressure drops to about 1 BAR !
Has anyone else fiited gauges like this and seen these readings ?
People that have used the micra rad, have you replaced the fan thermo switch for one that switches at a lower temp ?
All above readings were done stationary by the way.

Please help before i scare myself into thinking the engine is knackered ! :'(

David Jenkins - 15/3/04 at 12:45 PM

Perhaps there should be a voltage regulator suppying the instruments?


loafersmate - 15/3/04 at 04:51 PM

Probably won't help you but I've seen 120degC oil temp still with 5Bar oil pressure (depending on rpm)


Peteff - 15/3/04 at 06:09 PM

Where are you running the temp gauge from, just out of interest?

Berwyn - 15/3/04 at 07:10 PM

the temp gauge is the standard blade one, fitted into the water thermostat housing.
When it all cooled down again, the 4.5 bar came back again.
I might have been fooled as the 1 bar reading was being taken at idle, 1000rpm.
It may well have gone up if i rev'd it, but i was a bit frighted too, as it had idled giving 4.5 bar.

Still a bit concerned.

Peteff - 15/3/04 at 08:15 PM

If you still get that on tickover with the engine up to running temperature I would stop worrying. At that temperature the oil will be like paraffin viscosity so that's not bad.

loafersmate - 15/3/04 at 10:05 PM

With hot oil at tickover I get just under 1 bar oil pressure.


elitewiring - 15/3/04 at 10:22 PM

15 psi oil pressure at tick over is ok, ideally you should be getting around 20 psi, but i think 15 will be ok, it also depends on what oil you are using.
when i raced in the 750mc rgb series i had seen pressure down to 8 psi on some cars, with no problems.
as long as there is flow and the oil isnt over heating it will be fine, and you should remember that you are nearing the max water temp (shouldnt really run above 110/115 deg).
the oil pressure is effected more on a blade (not sure about all bec) because you have an oil/water cooler.

Berwyn - 15/3/04 at 10:47 PM

Thanks to all
I'll stop worrying now.

Just to make you laugh..... when i was temperature testing it earlier, the bottom water hose blew off !
Its amazing how quickly you can find the kill switch in a cloud of steam if you really try !
Thanks again.