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First track day booked!
bi22le - 3/8/09 at 12:31 PM

I have taken the plunge and booked my first track day. Its at Brands Hatch Indy on 27th Aug evening. There are still places and at £99 I think that is a bargin. Im not going to be that fast as this car is faster than I can drive (MAC 1 Worx GSXR) but maybe by the last session I should be getting good times. I have a second set of tyres (R888) which I have not used yet. I bet they are miles better than my Proxy T1S I use for the road!
I have three weeks of prep time which is good and there is a GP track day previously so even if it is damp there should be a dry line around 90% of it.

Anyone else fancy it?
Any sensible advice?

OoOoO I cant wait!!!!

asl - 3/8/09 at 12:53 PM

Brands is a great circuit, in fact I did my first ever session there last year. Are you putting the 888s on for the day as I would highly recommend it (unless it is wet)

They do tuition but if I haven't got an intercom I wouldn't recommend it as I did a session with an instructor and it was a waste of money as we were unable to communicate.

They do sighting laps in a minibus first and there are braking / cornering cones all round.

It is a great evening and you will probably be surprised how quick you are!

Enjoy, I may even book on myself.

Edited to say I can't make it as I am working DAMN!!

[Edited on 3/8/09 by asl]

will121 - 3/8/09 at 01:50 PM

Originally posted by asl
Brands is a great circuit, in fact I did my first ever session there last year. Are you putting the 888s on for the day as I would highly recommend it (unless it is wet)
[Edited on 3/8/09 by asl]

if its your first time on track i wouldnt dismiss trying the T1S tyres first, they are quite good tyres when warm. they will have less overall grip but will move about a bit to let you learn the car and track at a bit lower speed, once mastered the 888's enable you to push much harder. overall start steady and enjoy it and you will be suprised how much you improve through the day.

grusks2 - 3/8/09 at 04:42 PM

Sods law im on holiday that week, i would of been there 100%.

I wouldn’t bother with a instructor either, you wont hear a thing, who have you booked with, most event have cones on the bends marking what line to take.

I found that with decent brakes and 888r tyres and the car set up right, I can brake a lot later that the brake board/cones set out.

Only advice is get there early to get a garage and remember to take enough fuel, but keep the tank only half full ( keep weight down)

Once your up to speed, you'll be amazed how quick the kit cars are, and how slow some fast road cars are on the track.

End of the day just enjoy it, then book another one.

Ps one last thing, don’t get impatient behind a slower car that wont move off the racing line and dive up the inside into paddock and then get told off by the marshals’ lol

[Edited on 3/8/09 by grusks2]

greenwood03 - 3/8/09 at 04:57 PM

interesting comments about the tuition. i've had 2 of the MSV instructors at Brands; 1 on my first outing and second a few wks back when did the GP for 1st time. the 1st guy just used hand signals to communicate braking,turning etc etc and that was actually highly effective - considering that he hadnt told me that was what we were doing! the last one the guy did talk and i was surpised, i could clearly hear what he was saying with no intercom - i guess because i've got CEC not BEC. ( and before anyone says the obvious, yes i was giving it the beans). personally, i found the tuition really useful on that 1st time out, even just with the hand signals - well worth the £25. my 2penneth

mad-butcher - 4/8/09 at 07:51 AM

Check all nuts and bolts,especially wheel nuts. a guy lost a wheel in front of us at aintree once, very scary ( not the wheel coming off )but when someone flicks one of his wheel nuts at you (Massa)
Check all fluids prior to each session,
Cross tape on headlamps.
enjoy yourself


bi22le - 4/8/09 at 07:30 PM

Yeah I was going to check wheels nuts and oil!! I have been to brands before with a different car and there never mentioned tape. Why do people put tape on their lights? Is it to stop glass going everywhere incase it smashes or just to look hard as nails?!