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Prop adaptor flanges - Be Warned
phil_far - 28/8/09 at 03:37 PM

With my build now reaching final stages ( abou time after 8 years) I decided to put in a reverse box. To cut a long story short I removed my 1 piece prop to make space for the new props. After reading a couple of topics on thsi forum related to vibration, adoptors coming loose etcc.. I went on to check my my stuff and this is where I got shocked.
Upon ratating the adoptor flange freely, I noticed that the there was free play along the splined shaft. I also noticed that the outer diameter seemed to rotate eccentric as well so I removed the plate and had it checked on a measuring machine worth over £50K. Here are the results measured taking the spline diameter (engine shaft) as datum:

The outer diameter was off centre by 1.5mm!!!

The prop shaft mounting holes PCD as ok but the PCD was again offset in relation to the splined shaft PCD by 0.3mm

The faces back and front were not paralell and offset by 0.25mm!!!

I wll not mention the name of the company from where i bought the flange as it is beyond my scope but my message is: please do check that this item is manufactured to the highest tolerance possible as the probability is that there are some more out there in the same condition if not worse!

I have now had it machined with new holes (PCD) and everything is sqaure, through and paralell at a cost of 3 times more than what originaly paid. Do not assume that what you buy is of good quality...

Steve Hignett - 28/8/09 at 03:40 PM

I am never one to encourage the naming and shaming of a company unless I think it is absolutely Just - but not everyone has access to £50k measuring machines and I think I'd struggle personally to tell whether a prop adaptor was true or not with trusty steel rule...

No worries if you wish to U2U me in private, that's up to you.


rob2005 - 28/8/09 at 04:33 PM

What effect would this have had if you had fitted it to the car without having it checked and re-machined?

SeaBass - 28/8/09 at 04:34 PM

I hope you checked the grade of steel with your metrology department too too? Not much point machining it from a poor grade.


Richard Quinn - 28/8/09 at 06:15 PM

Do you mean metallurgy or meteorology?

SeaBass - 3/9/09 at 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Richard Quinn
Do you mean metallurgy or meteorology?

ROFL - I mean what I say!

Read it you might learn something!