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Fury hardtop?
Chet - 23/6/10 at 10:00 PM

Anyone know what happened to the aftermarket hardtop for the Fury?



zilspeed - 23/6/10 at 10:09 PM

A recent online thread on the Sylva list confirms that basically nobody really has a clue.
There seem to be a few interested parties who would love one.

stevebubs - 23/6/10 at 10:31 PM

I think an even older thread implied it was made by an elderly chappie who may have passed away...

[Edited on 23/6/10 by stevebubs]

Chet - 23/6/10 at 10:46 PM

I know there have been several different designs over the years. I believe the molds were sold on bay last year for an interesting one.

I have pics of some of the designs.

Humbug - 24/6/10 at 06:19 AM

I thought it was from Fisher, not afermarket?

SeaBass - 24/6/10 at 07:11 AM

I'd suggest contacting BGH Geartec the current "owners" of the Fury.

From the BGH Geartec Build Manual:

The Fury hardtop can be provided as a kit or complete, ready to fit. The hardtop panels are supplied in gel colour.

etc etc etc


bartonp - 24/6/10 at 08:21 AM

Am I the only one who read the title too quickly as "Furry hardtop" ?!?!