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Quaife oil capacity
andrew_s - 6/10/10 at 02:01 PM


Just filled the quaife reverse box with oil that I fitted over 2 years ago to the chassis, I realise by now everyone has moved on to the MNR box, but my build has been delayed on so many occasions, that I have this shinny brand new quaife reverse box and it seems a shame to not use it.

I say filled it with oil, but it seems more like I managed to spoon feed it less the half a litre. I also have the quaife breather reservoir bottle for it.

My question really is this, how much should it hold, should I fill the breather bottle half way up or something and let this seep in to the box, someone on the web mentioned a capacity of 180ml, which to my mind does not seem like a great deal of oil, for something running at the speed it does ? what’s people experiences with this ?

Many thanks in advance

Bluemoon - 6/10/10 at 02:52 PM

Ring quaife??? +44 (0)1732 741144

[Edited on 6/10/10 by Bluemoon]

richardh - 6/10/10 at 03:28 PM

is it not one where you fill in from the side and once it starts to come back out again then that's it?

andrew_s - 6/10/10 at 08:02 PM

I had spoken to quaife, but wanted to get the benefit of anyones experience, and yes it's the one with the filler on the side I got in as much as I could and stuck the plug back in hoping it would be enough !


Johneturbo - 7/10/10 at 07:25 AM

Yep you only need to fill it up to the filler plug, just like you would a diff

over filling it might do more damage than good, the gears only need to be bathed in oil

Bluemoon - 7/10/10 at 09:34 AM

quaife do know what they are doing, sounds like a similar amount of oil to a diff, so should be fine.. Some extreme cases people fit oil coolers and pumps to diffs and gearboxes but in a 7 this is overkill....