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electric reverse ....
alawrence - 16/10/10 at 07:15 PM

can anyone point me jin the right direction with a company that do these or a sorted DIY sollution

[Edited on 16/10/10 by alawrence]

adithorp - 16/10/10 at 07:27 PM

Is there another kind?

zilspeed - 16/10/10 at 07:28 PM

Originally posted by alawrence
can anyone point me jin the right direction with a company that do these or a sorted DIY sollution

Surely everything since the Norton Commando or the Triumph Bonneville has had an electric starter...

austin man - 16/10/10 at 07:38 PM

a lot of people are using a car starter motor onto a cog sandwiched between prop and diff

alawrence - 16/10/10 at 08:44 PM

ive read somwhere about a motor thats not a starter motor. It was quite an in depth thread with pics etc but cant see it now...boody annoying

austin man - 16/10/10 at 08:51 PM

didnt MNR do a reverse box and quaife

andyfiggy2002 - 16/10/10 at 11:18 PM

AB Performance makes them

HappyFather - 17/10/10 at 01:10 AM

Aries Motorsport sells one.

But didn't see it as I bougth my Aries Locoblade with a MNR reverse box.

TimC - 17/10/10 at 03:20 PM

I'm planning to chat to Minitici on here....

phoenix70 - 17/10/10 at 05:43 PM

Originally posted by TimC
I'm planning to chat to Minitici on here....

Curious, Why?

TimC - 17/10/10 at 05:51 PM

Originally posted by phoenix70
Originally posted by TimC
I'm planning to chat to Minitici on here....

Curious, Why?

Because Douglas is responsible for Westgarage and their chain drives / reverse mechanisms and I've had a couple of good experiences getting custom parts from him. I'm sure he could do the job if he felt inclined...

johnas - 20/10/10 at 05:01 PM

I also need to put an electric reverse on my Phoenix.
Don`t want a mechanical device.
One complication is i have a live axle

Any real help out there