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Hi all!
ace-card - 1/6/11 at 08:57 PM

I'm new here and just wanted to say hi to everyone (hope I'm posting in the correct section!). I've been lurking on this site for a while as I've been interested in building a car for years.......

I've teamed up with a couple like-minded mates, and after a few months of prep, we are now ready! We've managed to acquire a standard size garage (gonna be a real tight squeeze!), a pre-welded chassis, and as of yesterday, a 1990 2L Ford Sierra estate doner (12 hrs worth of driving to get it home!). The plan is a to stick a powerful bike engine in the front (obvious choices are the R1, GSXR, Fireblades etc), however, first thing on the list is to strip the doner. We are all studying Motorsport Engineering at uni, and this is the perfect side project to compliment our degrees. Hoping to pick the brains of you experts on this site and will hopefully have a damn impressive car to show for it at the end!

daniel mason - 1/6/11 at 09:02 PM

good luck mate! and welcome.

eddie99 - 1/6/11 at 09:10 PM

Where are you doing motorsport? im doing motorsport eng at coventry Good luck btw

blakep82 - 1/6/11 at 09:15 PM

12 hours to drive it home?! where did you get it from? Thurso?
good luck building is the best part thats what i keep telling myself 7 years in

RichardK - 1/6/11 at 09:33 PM

Welcome to the nuthouse.

Hopefully you'll have access to to tooling at uni which should make life a little easier.

Take it easy and enjoy.



Xtreme Kermit - 1/6/11 at 09:48 PM

Welcome! But why bother with a scooter lump??

Put a car engine in - you know it make sense...

[gets coat and runs]

ReMan - 1/6/11 at 10:01 PM

Yes your definitley in the right section

If you are tight for space, resist the urge to put it on it's wheels in week 1.
Do the whole body-tub build on a dolly or stand. Engine, wiring, plumbing body everything, until its 90% finished then add the suspension and wings in the last week.

matt_gsxr - 1/6/11 at 10:53 PM

Originally posted by Xtreme Kermit
Welcome! But why bother with a scooter lump??

Put a car engine in - you know it make sense...

[gets coat and runs]

Motorsport engineering, not agricultural engineering.

eddbaz - 2/6/11 at 07:13 AM

or marine engineering

lotusmadandy - 3/6/11 at 07:00 AM

I can see where this is going.....

I'll put the kettle on

Oh and welcome to the forum.


ace-card - 6/6/11 at 01:23 PM

Not quite there with the banter yet, but I'm sure I'll get there

Thanks for the welcome, and ReMan, thanks for the tip!....can see how that'll save us a good 3 feet! Wasn't as easy a task as I thought getting hold of a donor as the old Sierras are getting rare, and any that are about are going for a fair bit. Ended up in North Yorkshire picking up ours.....500 mile round trip @ 50-60mph in a fuel-guzzling Transit car-transporter! NOT FUN, especially on your lonesome!

Can't wait get down to business on it.....we're all a bit busy this week, but next week that car is coming apart!!

Eddie, would be interesting to know what you think of your course at Coventry.....we're studying at Uni of the West of England and I feel it could be better tbh......are you involved with Formula Student as well??

eddie99 - 6/6/11 at 01:27 PM

Originally posted by ace-card
Eddie, would be interesting to know what you think of your course at Coventry.....we're studying at Uni of the West of England and I feel it could be better tbh......are you involved with Formula Student as well??

Well i've just finished first year but impressed with it, I looked at UWE Bristol and just felt that coventry had the edge on the actual course itself. People have been trying to get me involved with Formula Student this year but i have too many projects of my own. However i am sure ill get involved somehow next year.

ace-card - 8/6/11 at 08:56 PM

Think you made the right choice there mate! I just finished my first year too....was really keen to get involved with the Formula Student, but at the minute, the UWE team is a joke! Myself and some mates signed up and then got asked to design posters for it!!! "No thanks, think we'll build our own car! Cheers anyway!"

[Edited on 8-6-11 by ace-card]