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Would you like to race in 750MC RGB?
MK9R - 2/7/12 at 09:05 PM

The grids in RGB are growing, and its looking very healthy, but we are always looking to intice more people onto the grid, whether you are a complete novice or a seasoned racer looking for a different formula. So who here would love to start racing in RGB, but not took the plunge yet. And what is it that is stopping you, obviously I'm sure 90% of the reasons to not racing will be cost, but I/we can give you the full breakdown to this and any other answers you want.

Wheels244 - 2/7/12 at 09:12 PM

Hi Austen

There's nothing I would like more !

So, how much would it cost - realistically ?

blakep82 - 2/7/12 at 09:15 PM

there's nothing i'd like more, but money, time, travel involved, and i suspect, health are against me....

HowardB - 2/7/12 at 09:17 PM

I'd love to have a go, but time, money, and the fact that mine is a car engined car, all conspire to stop me.

but I do follow the exploits of the RGB on their own forum, and listen to all the interesting advice that is shared.

even occasionally get to see a race, but mostly on youtube.


b3ngy - 2/7/12 at 09:20 PM

+1 although would not be until next year.

Can you list the things i would need to do to my car in order to be legal i.e. fire extinguisher, fia approved seats/harnesses as this would obviously be an extra cost on top of race fees e.t.c

Also once you sign up, are you expected to turn up to every race??

Cheers, Ben

StevieB - 2/7/12 at 09:23 PM

I would love to do it.

But apart from cost, another issue is the amount of travel and associated time required.

bi22le - 2/7/12 at 09:26 PM

Currenly I dont have the money, if I did I would find the time to race!!

I have no doubt that in some point of my life I will get into racing. Not sure which formula and how far in the future but it is one of the many items on my bucket list.

I would also love to see an honest break down of cost. I assume it will cost £10K a year not including the original outlay.

eddie99 - 2/7/12 at 09:40 PM

Good to see interested parties for the future. Bizzle - I'd say on a budget, you could race the year on just about 5k. However would be interested to see Austens breakdown...

Cant support RGB anymore, great bunch of people and a good atmosphere with close racing.

However RGB is no slicks and wings so doesnt do it for me

Doctor Derek Doctors - 2/7/12 at 09:45 PM

I want to..... and I am.... I'll (hopefully/should be/will) be out for the last race of the season at Mallory.

What I have learnt is that racing (even at a reasonable level like RGB) costs a monumental amount (in several respects)

Even with all the amazing help I have had from people who are too numerous to list the cost to build a car is still frightening. Buying an older ready-to-race car is a cheaper option but then running the car is still massively expensive as well, I had to go out and buy a trailer and a car to tow it (that was £1800 right there) just to get to the circuit..

Also the time required is more than most people imagine, I haven't been on holiday for 2 years as I need to work in the week to earn the money to pay for the car and then need the weekend to actually work on it. Then there is the racing itself and the testing

And luckily I have a girlfreind who understands but many people have family comitments (just spending time with wives kids) and other halves who worry about the (tiny but visible) risks involved. (that Caterham crash in the Magnificent Sevens race being a case in point)

Then there is the space issue, you at least need a double garage to store the car and trailer and have somewhere to work. I tried with a single garage but it was a nightmare.

I dont want to put anybody off but its a major undertaking in many ways, you need full comitment.

MK9R - 2/7/12 at 09:50 PM

Right here goes, i'll try and answer in as structured way as possible, but excuse me if i start to babble:-

The thing with it is you can spend as much or as little (within reason) as you want. You dont need to do a complete season (14 races), you can pick and chose if you wish. the format this year is 14 races, split over 7 meets (2 x races + 1 quali per meet). Each meet varies slightly in price depending on the circuit, place like Silverstone are the most expensive, and Anglesey/pembrey the cheapest. If you want to do all 14 race the totally entry cost is £2k, so on average £285 per meeting. The payments for each race go out approx 4 weeks before each race, so not one big bill at the start of the season. You can either fill a bulk entry form in at the start of the year, or just single entry forms for each event as and when you want. So ontop of the entry fees there is approx £200 to register to the club and formula for the season. You then have the costs of travel to and from the circuit, obviously this depends on where you live and what transport you have. We have everything in the paddock from 12litre gas guzzling american motorhomes down to the family car towing a trailer and sleeping in the back or a tent. So that part is up to you, i started with a car and tent, but now bought a big minibus that does everything (transporting me and the car and doubles up as the sleeping area. Then there is the fuel for the race car, this is actually not very much in the grand scheme of things, we run on normal unleaded, and the car will use slightly less than litre per minute, so for 2 x 13 minute races and 15 minute practice you will need no more than 45 litres for the weekend, infact if it rains you will use a lot lot less. Another consumable is tyres, this again is up to you, but it is entirely feasible to run competitively using 6-8 tyres in a season. The rest is maintenance and repairs. The engines are unbelievable, we run totally stock engines, so no nasty tuning bills and they stay reliable. My current engine is on its second season and still feels as strong as day 1, this engine i paid £650 for and other than oil changes and clutch i haven't touched it. You will have the odd breakage o the odd graze and scrape, but in general RGB is pretty clean and there is very little contact. Obviously there is potential for a big one, with the associated big costs, but this is something you have to accept in racing

Excluding the car and trailer, and assuming you do all the prep work yourself (and dont have major rebuild) you can do a season for £4-5k. No its not cheap or free, but it 7 full weekends away, doing something amazingly fun, with a group of very friendly like minded people. I have made some great friends in the paddock and i now go racing for as much as the social side as i do the actual racing, they may sound daft but i can guarantee there are lot of people there who feel exactly the same. In fact my Dad doesnt even race but he spends more hours on the car than me and doesnt miss a race meeting, and my trusty side kick dan is just as committed and counts down the days to the next meet, and his main job is cooking breakfast and making sarnys, lol!!!!!

MK9R - 2/7/12 at 10:03 PM

Just to answer a couple of Derek doctors points. Yes its a commitment, but you can just do 1 race if you want/dont have enough time. I personally dont really have enough time, but i find it, its just such a massive massive buzz, its very very very addictive!!!! Its great if your other half (if you have one) is understanding or even better wants to come along and make a family weekend of it. There are lots of wives/girlfiends/families in the paddock, infact we have had a few wedding/honey moons dates based around the race calender

Ben, you will need the following things :-

Roll cage
In date harnesses
FIA kill switch
Rain light
Race suit
Approved helmet
Nomex underwear (not by law but you will want it)
I've probably forgot something

I converted my first road car to get it on the race track, it wasnt the right car to have done it to, but i did it and when i sold it i took out all the bits i needed and fitted it to the next car.

TimC - 3/7/12 at 06:43 AM

Shall I bother to answer?

Actually, the key point is commitment. In my experience it's very difficult to go travelling, get married, try to buy a house.... and go racing.

[Edited on 3/7/12 by TimC]

bi22le - 3/7/12 at 07:54 AM

Hmm cheaper than i thought.

Is it sensible to consider sharing a car as there is two races per meet?

Are you allowed to do this?

MK9R - 3/7/12 at 07:57 AM

Originally posted by bi22le
Hmm cheaper than i thought.

Is it sensible to consider sharing a car as there is two races per meet?

Are you allowed to do this?

no you cant share per meeting, but nothing stopping you doing alternate race meets.

MK9R - 3/7/12 at 07:58 AM

Originally posted by TimC
Shall I bother to answer?

Actually, the key point is commitment. In my experience it's very difficult to go travelling, get married, try to buy a house.... and go racing.

[Edited on 3/7/12 by TimC]

its all about priorities

b3ngy - 3/7/12 at 11:29 AM

Don't you need a B license as well??

Also I've always wondered what the deal is if you crash into someone and damage their car? Obviously people don't do it intentionally and I know accidents happen when racing. Are you expected to compensate them financially or just offer to lend a hand repairing it?? Is it sorted out between the people involved or does the club step in??


MK9R - 3/7/12 at 11:35 AM

Arh yes you need a licience, so thats a 1 off payment of around £400 to do the test, then I think its £54 to renew it each year. You will need a medical for your first application too, unless you are over 50 (I think) then you need it every year. But one of my fellow RGB'ers does these at the hotel before the annual dinner dance for £25.

if you have crash you repair you own car, you are under no liability to pay for any other damage to any other car, this is where you want everyone on the grid to have respect for each other, something RGB is pretty good at

b3ngy - 3/7/12 at 09:15 PM

That sounds fair, probably helps to keep a good standard of driving on the circuit aswell??!!

tcr - 4/7/12 at 11:46 AM

always wanted to circuit race but being a diabetic means i can only sprint and hillclimb

procomp - 4/7/12 at 11:53 AM


Don't worry Austin i wont entice them with the Locost championship. Lol

Re. Being a diabetic Who said you can only sprint and hill climb. ? I am a type 1 on 6 a day injections and have held a race licence for many years.

U2U me if you need info Etc.

Cheers Matt

tcr - 4/7/12 at 12:03 PM

they would only issue me with a non-race nat b license so always thought i could only compete in timed events IE only 1 car on the track at a time thats why i never bothered, and now after my accident i can only just manage a few laps on a trackday. dont get me wrong i loved sprinting but always yearned for circuit racing

[Edited on 4/7/12 by tcr]

BobM - 4/7/12 at 01:13 PM

I suppose a lot then depends on which ankle Matt. Don't use L ankle much anyway in a BEC. As the other Matt (procomp) says the diabetes needn't necessarily be a block unless you're a particularly naughty diabetic

tcr - 4/7/12 at 08:04 PM

its not so much about using my clutch foot its the constant pain im in, plus iv got to have an op where they remove the cartledge put a bit of bone in from my pelvis then screw it all together .that alone is another 18 months recovery