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reg rec and ecu placement ??
welderman - 9/7/12 at 03:20 PM

Hello Joe ere

Although ive built 2 becs already, i was wondering is it just the heat problem we dont fit the ecu, rectifier etc under the bonnet and fit them all under the scuttle instead.

Or is it to keep the under bonnet area nice and tidy

Thought please as im about to make the choice of under scuttle (love this word lol) or under bonnet.

BobM - 9/7/12 at 03:24 PM

Reg/rec's are notorious for failing in BECs and generally reckoned good to keep somewhere cool with some airflow if possible.

Slimy38 - 9/7/12 at 03:39 PM

Even on their original two wheeled home they're normally bolted to a nice big piece of metal with a bit of airflow to help cooling.

matt_gsxr - 9/7/12 at 03:49 PM

Old reg/rec were a problem.

More modern ones don't really get hot at all owing to the use of different transistors. They only put fins on them so people can recognise what the component is!

mosfet is what you want

[Edited on 9/7/12 by matt_gsxr]

welderman - 10/7/12 at 07:54 AM

Thanks for the replies fellas, so its looking like under the scuttle it is

Jon Ison - 10/7/12 at 01:32 PM

I have had zero probs since I put mine in the old pinto exhaust exit wound..........

welderman - 10/7/12 at 02:32 PM

like that John

hobbsy - 10/7/12 at 02:46 PM

Nice way of blocking up the hole as well - like it!