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Info needed ref bike engines
James4444 - 12/11/12 at 02:42 PM

Hi There im contemplating building a bike engined car in the near future and would like some info on which is best engine to go for and any decent engine suppliers out there
iv worked out a budget of around £2500 for engine and £7500 for the build
not sure which kit to go for but the Mac1 or MNr looks favorable
any help much appreciated

blakep82 - 12/11/12 at 02:46 PM

malc at yorkshire engines is your boy

he's on here too, so maybe contact him through here

[Edited on 12/11/12 by blakep82]

roadrunner - 12/11/12 at 03:13 PM

Any of the top 1000cc engines would be good to use, and with that engine budget you might be able to get 1300 busa engine.
I started with a ZX9r which was a cracker of an engine and kept up with R1 powered cars. But power is everything, so now fitting ZX10r which has quite a bit more grunt.


yorkshire-engines - 12/11/12 at 03:29 PM

Hi saw your post and if there is anything you ned to know just ask or call me
i have several motor kits in stock now
zx10r 2012 busa 07 and 011 R1 05 07 010 fireblade 07 09 012 zzr1400 06 09 gsxr 1000 06 08 011
depends upon what you will be using the car for mainly road or track
but i can advise you
cheers Malc 07960011585

mac1ZR - 12/11/12 at 06:53 PM

A Mac1 with one of Malcs engines, good one to go for =ZX10r

jonabonospen - 12/11/12 at 08:47 PM

U2U sent

James4444 - 13/11/12 at 09:10 PM

Well spoke with Malc at Yorkshire Engines and what a brilliant guy went to see him today and now im the proud owner of a 07 Hayabusa engine kit and it looks like a new one cant thank him enough he even labeled up all the wiring connectors and let me have a wire diagram as well amazing bloke wish all the people i have to deal with in my business were like him

off to order the kit this weekend its a Mac 1 for me then its down to the serious stuff
iv got 2 months off from end of December so should get loads done by then

ill setup a blog of the build and keep you all informed

Thanks for all the help on here wonderfull site
