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Quaife Question
MarkClow - 15/5/05 at 03:04 PM


Do any of you have a Quaife reversing box in your car?

If so - how can I tell if I have it in the right way or not?

Thanks for your help,


Tralfaz - 15/5/05 at 05:51 PM

There was a discussion on this in the past few months and according to Quaife it doesn't matter which way it is installed.


Well, upside down might not be good....

MarkClow - 16/5/05 at 03:05 AM


pk - 16/5/05 at 11:56 AM

I have one of these fitted to my car. Very good but not the best solution for the road. Also the vent plug should be changed for a vent tube leasing to a catch tank. The internals pump the oil out of the breather! Not a good thing!

GrahamC - 18/5/05 at 01:44 PM

Originally posted by pk
I have one of these fitted to my car. Very good but not the best solution for the road. Also the vent plug should be changed for a vent tube leasing to a catch tank. The internals pump the oil out of the breather! Not a good thing!

I'm thinking of having one of these fellas - so I'm interested in your opinion.

Why isn't it so good on the road????

ChrisGamlin - 18/5/05 at 02:02 PM

Im not sure if the Quaife is similar or not, but several friends who had two different incarnations of ones Westfield have supplied over the years both had a lot more drivetrain shunt and noise, so they all converted to conventional prop with no reverse, or in one case electric reverse.

bike_power - 21/5/05 at 06:24 PM

Usually the shift lever is at the rear of the box.

I think the input and output bearings are different sizes, can't remember the details now but when I bought mine Quaife mentioned something along these lines. Can't remember which was bigger though