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Stolen Recovered Engine what to do ?? DVLA
jimmy_nugget - 23/10/05 at 01:59 AM

the R1 engine that ive just fitted into my car is a stolen recovered one got both the receipts one from the company that orginally sold it and another from the bloke i brought it off, what shall i do about telling dvla as i have no engine number to tell them
please someone help :-(

Hellfire - 23/10/05 at 08:54 AM

Just explain your predicament to your local DVLA and ask for their advice. This kind of thing must happen all the time

Gav - 23/10/05 at 09:20 AM

IIRC the reciept from the first company that resold it after being recovered should of also provided the police case number.

jimmy_nugget - 23/10/05 at 10:44 AM

thanks will give DVLA a ring tomorrow and see what they say, do i need to do this ideally before the car is put on the road