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A few questions about Stuart Taylor Blade
gadrego - 6/2/03 at 01:28 PM

Hi guys,
I'd appreciate a little help with a few questions. I'm pricing up an estimated cost for building a Stuart Taylor LocoBlade.
I would just go and buy everything from so I know everything fits but I'm trying to cut cost a little (I have max £6k. So with this in mind could anybody answer the following questions.
1) How much could I get a decent fireblade engine and box for. ST charge 1150.
2) Could I use an alternative radiator?
3) Can the Sierra prop be used or is ST's a special prop for BEC's
4) What LSD's fit the IRS car and how much should I expect to pay.
5)What about the prop support and flange they list. I'd assume I need the flange but what about the support?
6) Shocks, what are the best options? Springs and shocks come in at £320 from ST.
7) How much can I pick up a steering column and down link for?
Thats about the lot. Cheers guys

Jon Ison - 6/2/03 at 02:46 PM

How much research have you done on chassis choice ???

there is a section in here for a certain car that you will build for well under £6k including all the bits you mention above,

just a thought..........

happy building

StuartA - 6/2/03 at 03:58 PM

1) Blade engine on eBay currently for £450. Nothing to do with me, but illustrates that you can get stuff alot cheaper if you hunt around for it.

Alternative to this is a bike breakers, where you could probably get the complete bike for the sort of money that ST are asking.

2) You can definitely use an alternative rad

3. etc.) As for the other bits, alternatives all over the place. Check out the other posts in here, and if you aren't sure them ask!

gadrego - 6/2/03 at 03:58 PM

Thanks for the reply , I haven't put a massive amount of thought into chassis. I got Ron Champion's book for xmas but didn't fancy the idea of making my own chassis. Not too handy with a welder. I found out about the Stuart Taylor shortly after. I prefer the look of the St to the MK but this is very marginal. IRS has a lot of appeal but is it necessay on a BEC? Which is the chassis you're reffering too? Just while I'm here, any thoughts on the ZX9R vs Fireblade.

StuartA - 6/2/03 at 04:07 PM

We have a Luego live axle, but some would argue that the IRS is better. I think the biggest consideration with a BEC is probably weight. I suspect the IRS is lighter so this is probably better for a BEC (although I may be wrong about this). Again it is a question that has been asked before on here (just use the search facility).

As for which engine, I suspect Mr Ison would be in agreement with me.... BLADE!!! (although I am led to believe there is very little in it)

[Edited on 6/2/03 by StuartA]

[Edited on 6/2/03 by StuartA]

Macca - 6/2/03 at 04:44 PM

any thoughts on the ZX9R vs Fireblade

I don't think either will be a let down.Just see what you can find to fit your buget.


Jasper - 6/2/03 at 04:45 PM

If your on a budget then I wouldn't go the ST route. As I've put on many posts b4 ST stuff will all work and they have lots of experience but the stuff is usually very expensive.

1. My ZX9R engine with all bits including clocks and guarantee - £850 no vat,
2 Rads from Nissan Micra, from £0 (thanks Bob) to a tenner
3. You dont need to go the IRS route if you don't want to. Live axel is no heavier, handling is superb, and its easy to fit.
4. Prop flanges, £85 from ST, £50 from MK. Prop shalf new from prop shalf chap who advertises locally, lots more from ST
5. ST Expansion bottle in ali £75, plastic one from breakers £10 max.
6. Steering column £10 from breakers.
7. Shocks and springs from various supplies - see other section from the mid £300's.

Use ST if your cash rich and time poor, otherwise read the posts here, talk to people and go to shows.

VERY little difference between ZX9R and blades, blades more proven but ZX9's not showing any problems, and like the blade dont need drysump's etc....

ChrisGamlin - 6/2/03 at 11:03 PM

You will struggle to put a full ST equiped car on the road for £6k, but it could be done. I reckon mine cost me between £6-7K, and I started with a part built kit and got about £2k's worth of bits for just over half that, but I do have a few extras like split rims. Here are my comments:

1) How much could I get a decent fireblade engine and box for. ST charge 1150.

You will be very lucky to get a decent blade engine for under a grand these days. Ones that go cheaper, usually go cheaper for a reason.... I hunted round a lot in the summer for a replacement RRX engine for mine, and only one was under a grand and that sounded dodgy and had untraceable history.

2) Could I use an alternative radiator?

Yep, the blade rad works fine, a lot more compact and lighter than a normal one too, and has the right hose diameters for the engine. I got mine with the engine, but I've seen em for about £30 from a breaker.

3) Can the Sierra prop be used or is ST's a special prop for BEC's

Special prop as it is a 2 piece prop that has to run the entire length of the tunnel - you dont have a long gearbox to attach it to like a car engine.

4) What LSD's fit the IRS car and how much should I expect to pay.

If you can find an XR4x4 (I think - maybe XR4i?) in a scrappy, then they have one in as standard. Expect to pay £50-100 I reckon, though depends on if the scrappy knows what it is Otherwise a new Quaife is gonna be around £5-600.

5)What about the prop support and flange they list. I'd assume I need the flange but what about the support?

You need A support, as the prop is a two piece item with centre bearing, which needs rigidly mounting in the tunnel. However, you dont need to use ST's one, its a simple bit of welding to make one up, tho I seem to recall his isnt that much anyway, might not be worth the hassle to making.

6) Shocks, what are the best options? Springs and shocks come in at £320 from ST.

Best budget ones seems to be AVOs, not sure what ST supply but the price sounds about right

7) How much can I pick up a steering column and down link for?

Steering column is Sierra top column, so not a lot from the scrappy. Bottom half is extended Sierra, so will need modding, and get it properly TIG welded by a good welder don't just MIG it yourself. (Gimme a shout if you are stuck, could get it done for you). As you are chopping the lower column anyway, replace the crappy rubber donut bottom joint with a "Group 4 steering coupling" (£15 from Rally Design, web link here)

Don't be afraid to go live axle, it is (so I have been told) actually LIGHTER than IRS (due to all the extra chassis bracing and uprights used for IRS), and although maybe not quite as much outright grip as a well set up IRS, it is very progressive and predictable on the limit, so great fun to drive.

Just commenting on the stuff I got from them, the ST stuff was generally pretty good quality, though I would have a serious look around for different fibreglass if possible as it is (was?) pretty pony.


[Edited on 6/2/03 by ChrisGamlin]

locodude - 7/2/03 at 09:32 PM

Even if you go the ST route for chassis etc many parts can be obtained cheaper ie. prop adapters, prop shortening, dampers, GRP etc at other places eg MK etc. Shop around for the best gear at the right price. Think twice about that bicycle engine though, whats wrong with an oily under powered heavy boat anchor like an old friendly x-flow? eh?, eh?