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R1 Mini Clutch Slave Cylinder Problems
jimmy_nugget - 7/3/06 at 01:15 AM

the problem ive got lately is the clutch keeps popping out of mesh, has anyone had any problems like this, i think it may be that the orignal slave cylinder im using is not releasing the fluid quick enough so the clutch arm slowly returns, ive put a pretty heavy duty spring on to try pulling it bak but still problems :-(.
anyone got any ideas

ChrisGamlin - 7/3/06 at 09:14 AM

When you say going out of mesh, what exactly do you mean, doesnt it return and re-engage when you lift the pedal? If so then it sounds like you're over-extending the clutch actuator and basically turning the clutch diaphragm spring inside out

jimmy_nugget - 7/3/06 at 01:44 PM

no its like the clutch is in as i can flick thru gears with no movement :-(, wat i normally have to do is take off the casing, under the bolt s lightly then if i give it a little wiggle it falls back into the teeth then its fine.
anyone got any haynes manual type pictures of the clutch area then i could show ya wat teeth i mean

lsdweb - 7/3/06 at 02:28 PM

Try here for manuals.


R1minimagic - 7/3/06 at 08:53 PM

I am using a normal mini clutch spring on mine and it is fine. Be careful about over movement on the clutch arm, otherwise you will wreck the whole clutch cover and the spigots inside. Where abouts are you BTW?