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R1 Engined Locost
gadrego - 14/3/03 at 08:37 AM

Hi everyone,
I'm still very much in the planning stage of my build. I'd like to use the Yamaha R1 engine with a MK2 Escort rear axle. Few quick questions though. Is there any reason why I shouldn't be using the R1 engine? I know there might be gearing problems but are there any diffs available to get round this without going for big wheels? I've looked at a couple of R1 Striker websites but has anybody actually installed one in a locost? I can't see why not as they're not an expensive engine and do not require major modding to stick in a car. Unless you lot tell me otherwise!

Jasper - 14/3/03 at 10:16 AM

Yes there are others using them, check out the Yahoo BEC group forum. As for Escort Diff, they are looking into a bulk buy of lowered geared diffs to allow better use of 13" wheels.

gadrego - 14/3/03 at 10:24 AM

Cheers Jasper, I'll do that. Out of interest, what diff and rear suspension set up are you using. Does the ZX9 not suffer from a similar problem?

jimgiblett - 14/3/03 at 12:21 PM

The R1 should be an excellent choice. I'm currently building an R1 engined Phoenix. The only downside is that you cant buy much off the shelf so you'll have to build yourself or get bespoke fabrication.

Have a look at this site in which Rich Miles has done the business in terms of comprehensive build site.

As Jasper says there is a group buy for escort diffs but this shouldnt be such a problem as for alot of the engines because of Yamaha's higher primary reduction.

Good Luck and keep us posted.



Jasper - 14/3/03 at 12:57 PM

I'm using a cortina diff so am stuck with not so great gearing, so I'm using 15 inch wheels which should give me a decent top end for those long straights, will just have to shell out for more expensive Yoko's when I need them.

Eventually one of the likely future upgrades will be a LSD.