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Bike spares contact
DarrenW - 6/4/06 at 02:48 PM

I recently spoke to Bogg Bros about bike carb conversion for Pinto. They were fantastic on the phone. I said i needed a set of trumpets for ZZR1100 carbs. They put me onto the bloke who supplies carbs to them. He is taking a set off some carbs to sell me. Defo a top bloke.
Dave Fielder ( located in Skelton). 01430 432264 / 07850 556261.

I also spoke to Malc at Yorkshire Engines for the trumpets. Whilst he didnt have any he also came across as a top bloke.

Thumbs up all round.

fesycresy - 6/4/06 at 03:27 PM

Spoke to Malc last night with some wiring queries.

Much rather buy an engine off him than take a chance on ebay. He gives good back up.