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98 R1 - fuel sensor in to CDI
Bob C - 31/5/06 at 06:30 PM

Couple of Q's I'm sure someone will know....
1) is the white wire the fuel level sensor one
2) what value resistance to deck will shut the damn thing up. I've tried 1k & tacho tangos to 8000revs

Coose - 31/5/06 at 06:38 PM

1, No, white is the oil level switch, fuel sender is between green/red and black/blue (according to the diagram).

2, I used a 10k resistor on my '01 (5JJ) as it's all I had at the time. It worked too!

Bob C - 31/5/06 at 07:01 PM

Thanks Coose - confused me a bit (there's no green/red on my car or any of my diagrams) but I figured you must have meant green/yellow; tried it & bingo - result (with 1k)
Bob (no error codes) C
PS just tried to adjust the throttle pot - the buggers have stuck it on with tamperproof torx bolts

Ferrino - 1/6/06 at 04:32 PM

yeah i spotted those funny bolts too. Bob, how did testing go with your anti-tacho-tango-when-ignition-on-but-engine-not-running circuit? I am not using the bike clocks but was told that the tacho signal from the CDi gives a cleaner tacho reading than taking a feed from the coil trigger so I might use it and would like to stop any tango.


Bob C - 1/6/06 at 07:14 PM

Hi Ferrino,
As far as I know the circuit works fine - the original is still working on Jim's car & Smart51 finally got his going but reckoned on a couple of mods to make it work for him. These are incorporated on the circuit diagram below & seem to do the trick on mine (though I've not revved its nakkers off 'til I get a silencer).
On mine I included the resistor to pretend the fuel level thing is OK - hence this thread! I'll post a pic when its installed finally & tidy
Bob Rescued attachment exup.GIF
Rescued attachment exup.GIF

Coose - 1/6/06 at 09:31 PM

I pulled the wire colours straight from the Yamaha manuals, so that seems a bit strange!?!

So long as you got it working and I was some help, that's the main thing!

Bob C - 1/6/06 at 09:54 PM

yeah cheers mate - difference must be yours being an '01 model??

Coose - 2/6/06 at 10:36 AM

That info was pulled from the '98 wiring diagram - I have all manuals up to '04.

It's still a funny one, unless you're is an import and maybe they're different? I doesn't matter though if you've got it working....

Ferrino - 2/6/06 at 11:19 AM

Thanks Bob, sorry to divert the thread again, but did you have to do anything to the tacho wire from the ECU to get a signal that your digidash would read? I was told that this gives a nice clean square wave that would feed into most digidash rpm feeds?

Bob C - 2/6/06 at 11:31 AM

yes I used the CDI tacho signal straight into my tach input

JoaoCaldeira - 2/6/06 at 01:17 PM

Hi Bob.

Which tach are you using? Digidash?


Bob C - 2/6/06 at 02:44 PM

JC - it's all home made - details in the first section of the build diary on my webpage (www button below) & some old pics in my photo archive.

tks - 2/6/06 at 03:44 PM

colourblindness, you wouldn´t be the first one discovering it now!

(i discovered earlier)
