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R1 Sump baffle plate?
nitram38 - 28/2/07 at 12:58 PM

This ebayerhere is selling a plate that he says fits 2004-2007 engines. Is this true?
I thought that all of these sump configurations are different.

ChrisGamlin - 28/2/07 at 01:04 PM

I got the general impression that the 04-06 (and possibly 07) engine was fundamentally the same (ie castings etc), might be wrong though.

hobbsy - 28/2/07 at 01:07 PM

I don't like the design of that plate much, some of the thin bits are a bit too thin. I'll post a few pics in the next few days of my All Bikes one that started to crack, and one bit broke off but luckily trapped (and removed) from my oil strainer...

bodger - 28/2/07 at 01:11 PM

I bought a baffle from Fluke Motorsport but have since realised that most people don't bother on the R1. Also you have to remove the oil level sensor to make it fit which seems a bit of a backwards step, so I don't know if I'm going to bother with it. Might just stick to overfilling.

nitram38 - 28/2/07 at 01:11 PM

Did you buy yours from this supplier?

nitram38 - 28/2/07 at 01:15 PM

Originally posted by bodger
I bought a baffle from Fluke Motorsport but have since realised that most people don't bother on the R1. Also you have to remove the oil level sensor to make it fit which seems a bit of a backwards step, so I don't know if I'm going to bother with it. Might just stick to overfilling.

Can't the sensor be replaced by cutting the baffle?
I think that just overfilling will not be enough for track use as the oil will move up the side of the engine.

ChrisGamlin - 28/2/07 at 01:28 PM

Just cut a hole in the baffle for the level sensor to pass through, thats what mine (03 engine) has.


Coose - 28/2/07 at 01:36 PM

That is a JB7 baffle plate and I for one can vouch that the quality is superb. There is a very good chance that the oil level sensor can still be fitted (as is the case on my '01 R1).

I know the chap in question quite well and he's very approachable - drop him a line if you have any queries.

p.s. He was Scottish hillclimb champ last year in a GSXR1000 single seater....

jimgiblett - 28/2/07 at 01:44 PM

I have one of JB7s baffles (from ebay) albeit for a 2003 R1 like Chris and am very happy with it.

It's made from better grade ali than the All Bikes one that I had (which like Hobbsy, I also had brake up on my old motor). This one is quite a bit thicker and better made too.

Most people I know are running baffles in N/S installs not sure about tranverse.

- Jim

[Edited on 28/2/07 by jimgiblett]

yorkshire-engines - 28/2/07 at 03:05 PM

The 04 to 06 engine is the same internals the new model 07 which isnt out yet may be different ill let you all know when i strip one

also these baffels are great quality iv had some and they fit ok and are good quality
looks like johnathon has dropped the price a little as well

cheers malc

hobbsy - 28/2/07 at 03:15 PM

I don't see the purpose of the oil level sensor on a BEC install. I had a good play with mine when I took it apart and if you look at (well hear at) what level it switches at it you would see its very low. As we have to overfill by 250ml to give adequate protection against surge if your oil is that low is a BEC you've probably done damage before then (assuming you're not just driving in a straight line).

TBH I was also more worried about weakening the baffle plate in that area as you have to cut a very big hole to let it through, it makes it very thin on one side and if you're not drilling, tapping and bolting into the crankcase webbing thats the area where the plate will be free to vibrate and then crack. This is around the place where my All Bikes plate cracked and I think it was because of this (my All Bikes plate was cut to let the oil level sensor through and also wasn't bolted in that side either).

Jim - the crack on the plate itself didn't cause a problem (yet) but the tulip was the part from the All bikes plate that broke - an inch long piece - fortunately it got trapped in the oil strainer. I'll post photos later.

I bought one of Paul Rogers' plates. I've not bothered with a tulip as his datalogging shows its not required and I'd also have to make the hole around the pressure relief valve bigger.

The stronger the better on these plates, steel might be worth considering?

I worry slightly with the "JB7" plates about those drain holes that look like you could "pop them out" if you pushed down on them.

jimgiblett - 28/2/07 at 04:34 PM

Originally posted by hobbsy
I don't see the purpose of the oil level sensor on a BEC install. I had a good play with mine when I took it apart and if you look at (well hear at) what level it switches at it you would see its very low. As we have to overfill by 250ml to give adequate protection against surge if your oil is that low is a BEC you've probably done damage before then (assuming you're not just driving in a straight line).

With a Yamaha service tolerance of 1 litre per 500 miles its handy to have when doing long distance jaunts.

Originally posted by hobbsy
Jim - the crack on the plate itself didn't cause a problem (yet) but the tulip was the part from the All bikes plate that broke - an inch long piece - fortunately it got trapped in the oil strainer. I'll post photos later.

Mine broke around the water pump taking out the corner from 3 o'clock to 6 o'clock when looking at Chris' sump picture. But have heard of rivets coming astray lunching the motor.

- Jim

ChrisGamlin - 28/2/07 at 06:52 PM

Its worth noting that unless he's now run out, Paul Rogers (progers) on here also sells nicely made R1 baffles, the only reason Ive got this one over Paul's is because it was an accidental freebie, Jonathon was lent my engine by Colibriman before I had it, so he could check the baffle plates fitted the newer (at the time) injected engines, and he must have forgotten to take it out again

locoR1 - 28/2/07 at 07:18 PM

[I]Originally posted by hobbsy[/I]

Jim - the crack on the plate itself didn't cause a problem (yet) but the tulip was the part from the All bikes plate that broke - an inch long piece - fortunately it got trapped in the oil strainer. I'll post photos later

Sounds exactly the same as mine my tulip broke at the top! God job I had the sump off.

Makes you wonder how many people are driving around with bits floating around in there engines


[Edited on 28/2/07 by locoR1]

ChrisGamlin - 28/2/07 at 07:33 PM

Its not exclusive to R1 baffles either, this is my old blade baffle plate after about 3 years use:

Blade Baffle fatigue cracked
Blade Baffle fatigue cracked

Luckily I had the sump off and spotted it before it completely fell to bits, but the moral of the story is to check them fairly regularly!

progers - 28/2/07 at 07:38 PM

Only one left Chris

Looked at mine after a seasons abuse and it seems OK. I'd advise looking at them once a year just to be safe though.

If I made another batch I'd probably do it in mild steel, if only to be on the safe side. Probably not worth it now though as most people seem to be going for the >04 models these days so demand will be limited. Maybe if I switch my engine out next year (for the newer R1) I'll make a new batch then.



locoR1 - 28/2/07 at 07:40 PM

Mine was about 3 years of use as well, The blade one looks a lot better sported than the R1 and still failed!

I think your right Chris for £5 for a gasket it worth checking it every year or two!


locoR1 - 28/2/07 at 07:42 PM

Reminder to myself I must learn to type Quicker

road warrior - 28/2/07 at 09:15 PM

I have a Fluke baffle plate for an '05 engine. It looks like the one in the e-bay pic. The hole is already there for the oil level sensor so I put it back in anyway. The plate is nicely CNC'd and is 1.75mm thick. It was an easy fit and I didn't need to cut or file anything. It doesn't come with a tulip but the pickup looks like it has a factory tulip already fitted.

G.Man - 28/2/07 at 09:17 PM

any ally sump baffle subject to those kind of revs is gonna fracture after a while...

Definitely worth checking regularly for the price of them...

Stainless steel would be better I would think...

hobbsy - 1/3/07 at 12:17 PM

As promised the photos of my cracked All bikes plate (the tip of the small screwdriver is pointing at it) - sounds like Jim's one cracked in the same place and one other place hence the big bit that detached and buggered his engine.

Jim - did the big chunk that snapped off break up into smaller bits before it did the damage? It seems to big to go anywhere if it didn't.

The new shiny plate next to it is one of Paul Rogers' ones. As I said before I didn't bother making the pressure relief valve larger to fit the tulip (if was bugger anyway see the other pic - missing chunk found in the oil strainer intact fortunately) nor did I cut the hole out for the oil level sensor, I chopped it down instead.

I think I'll go a yearly check for the sake of about for a gasket. Can also blow any rubbish out of the oil strainer at the same time. Rescued attachment allbikes vs progers.jpg
Rescued attachment allbikes vs progers.jpg

hobbsy - 1/3/07 at 12:18 PM

This is virtually identical to that other photo that someone else posted. If you've got one of these in your engine I'd check on it. The metal is very thin around this area. Rescued attachment ouch my tulip.jpg
Rescued attachment ouch my tulip.jpg

jimgiblett - 1/3/07 at 05:52 PM

Originally posted by hobbsy
As promised the photos of my cracked All bikes plate (the tip of the small screwdriver is pointing at it) - sounds like Jim's one cracked in the same place and one other place hence the big bit that detached and buggered his engine.

Yes thats were mine broke.

Originally posted by hobbsyJim - did the big chunk that snapped off break up into smaller bits before it did the damage? It seems to big to go anywhere if it didn't.

Most of mine was in the sump although a piece found its way to the crankcase breather via the gearbox. But this wasnt what killed the engine.

In fact the engine never died, it was put down due to the generator boss breaking away. This could have been fixed at high cost but I chose to break the motor instead (I recovered most of the engine cost via fleabay).

- Jim

nitram38 - 1/3/07 at 06:03 PM

So do I understand that it is the pre-2004 baffles and tulips that have failed so far?
The 04-06 baffle does have the cutout for the oil sensor and no tulip to go wrong?
Good, because I have just had 14 X 2mm thick, 04-06 baffles made !
I am selling one of them on ebay for £60 including p & p as the price seems to be £70 plus postage for others, but I could be co-erced to sell them cheaper to locost members !
Bear in mind that it took me 3 months to get these sorted and organised!
They are 0.2mm thicker than others I have seen (fl*ke). Hopefully they will survive better than the 1.8mm ones.
u2u me if you have any offers !
