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Super Blackbird Clutch question...
MOz - 30/3/07 at 07:27 AM

Decided I need to uprate the springs on my Indy Bird (which I didn't build....).

The engine is the older carb'd model...

The pic in the haynes manual has 6 bolts that look like they all hold in springs. I phoned PDQ developments and ordered some Barnett springs but the package they sent through only had 5 in it????

I don't want to drop the oil and remove the clutch cover only to find out I need 6 springs so can anyone confirm how many I'd need.

I'll obviously phone PDQ to check but unfortunately I was totally in their hands to confirm they were sending the right thing in the first place.



Mike S - 30/3/07 at 02:52 PM

You are right.

Blackbird clutch has 6 springs.



Jon Ison - 30/3/07 at 08:37 PM

I used std springs under race conditions with no probs..........

edit too add aside from the start the clutch rarely got used though.

[Edited on 30/3/07 by Jon Ison]

MOz - 31/3/07 at 09:46 AM

Did the older carb'd model have 5 springs though???? PDQ confirm they have sent me the right thing......

I know I'll find out the moment I remove the clutch cover but I want to do that only after I know I have the right number of springs!!


Mike S - 31/3/07 at 04:25 PM

I have checked both the Haynes Manual and the official Honda Shop Manual.

Both show 6 springs in all the photos.

They did have different plates from early to later models, but they all are still all 6 springs as far as I can see.



MOz - 31/3/07 at 07:09 PM

Cheers for that Mike.

I Phoned my local Honda dealer and he checked the microfiche.....

97-98 Carb'd blackbird clutch only uses 5 springs apparently.... Oh well, we'll soon find out when I drop the oil next weekend!!


DIY Si - 1/4/07 at 09:10 PM

You are correct, the earlier carb'd engine has 5 springs on it. You won't need to drop the oil out, but you may need to tip the engine slightly.

MOz - 2/4/07 at 10:04 AM

I will drop it anyway as its running fully synth, and not wanting to tread on Sean's meticulous toes I have been advised semi synth is the way forward to minimise clutch slip potential.

Can anyone advise me as to the torque settings for the clutch spring bolts???? There are no factory workshop manuals for the older carb'd engines on ebay.... and it don't say in the Haynes manual.

If I did tip it, how far would I have to???


DIY Si - 2/4/07 at 10:11 AM

12 NM is what you want.
As for tiping it, you may be able to get away with slackening the cradle bolts off and jack/lift the clutch end by a couple of inches or so.

It does say in my Hanyes manual, under the engine bit, look for clutch spring bolts

[Edited on 2/4/07 by DIY Si]