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It didn't take long...
MOz - 4/4/07 at 09:15 PM

But I love the MK I bought from Sean so much I've decided to build my own this winter.

Planning starts now so my first apology for all the crappy questions I'll fire across your bows over the next few months.

I'm pretty certain its gonna be an Indy. First question is: tell me you get a massively comprehensive manual for build, engines, electrics, brakes etc etc etc as I'm not the most confident spanner bearer!



caber - 4/4/07 at 09:22 PM

How about you take the one you have to pieces documenting carefully the process then bolt it back together again then you will have your own build manual, you can always publish it as a dummy's guide


stevec - 4/4/07 at 09:28 PM

Link to build manual below.

It is not great but as said all the knowledge is on here.
Good luck

DIY Si - 4/4/07 at 09:31 PM

I see you've fallen into the same trap I have! I love mine, but hate being asked the did you build it question, and not being able to say yes. I also want to build one that's all done my way, possibly with lots and lots of power! You decided upon a power plant yet? I'm guessing bike by the section?

MOz - 4/4/07 at 09:37 PM

Oh yes. Bike's the way forward.

Not sure yet of which. Very tempted with 2006 or newer litre class engine.

Thinking of bolting on a supercharger or a turbo also............


smart51 - 4/4/07 at 09:40 PM

I loved building mine, except when I got stuck. There is plenty of advice on here when you do.

I know you've got an indy and like it but look around at the other cars that are available. There may be something that's even more to your liking, or else you'll know for sure that the indy is for you.

worX - 5/4/07 at 08:22 AM

I would second the advice form smart51, have a look at the other manufacturers, two immediately spring to mind MAC#1 (Mark or Colin 01142619633) and MNR (Marc or Chris 01423780299) both of which have excellent reputations on here...

As for build manuals, the recent influx of people doing online ones as they go is getting bigger, I have one although it's not great!, but if you look in the MNR section there are two Vortx's being built at the moment, both with really excellent looking "blogs" to follow!

and then as others have said there is always this forum for those sticky moments!!!


Hellfire - 5/4/07 at 11:19 AM

We have a website detailing a build and rebuild of an MK Indy - Just click the link below. It's not necessarily the right or only way to do it though but it will give you some idea of what's involved.


Toady1 - 5/4/07 at 12:24 PM

I like the MNR's! shouldnt really say that should I!lol!

dilley - 5/4/07 at 12:49 PM

mnr does it for me, or if funds allow DAX