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Blue Flame silencer
andrew.carwithen - 11/4/07 at 09:23 PM

I've got the chance to buy a Blue Flame bike silencer with two outlet ports (same as pic below). Its nice and short (approx 500mm) which is ideal as I'm very limited on length of can that will fit between manifold and rear arch.
It is fully road legal (appropriatly stamped) but has a removeable baffle to change it to a race can if so wished and its also very light.
In its quieter road guise, does anybody know if it would pass SVA with respect to noise levels? Has anyone fitted one? Any comments appreciated.

Andy. Rescued attachment blue flame silencer.jpg
Rescued attachment blue flame silencer.jpg

uklee70 - 11/4/07 at 09:31 PM


I have one on my little car pics in album

Mine was tested at elvington and was
97db with baffle and blanking plate in
103db all baffles out

the engine is a triumph triple 955

I hope this helps but my car not a seven rep so like for like my be different


andrew.carwithen - 12/4/07 at 02:58 PM

Thanks for the reply, Lee.
What pecentage of maximum revs did they carry out the test at Elvington? (I see that SVA test at 3/4 max revs and needs to be sub 101db.)
Does anybody know if the fact that I also have a lot of induction noise due to having a sausage filter, effect the meter reading at SVA? or is the meter situated low enough to not pick it up?
