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what type fuel pump is best
marcotuinenburg - 21/7/07 at 07:06 PM


Last sunday i went to a track with my MK Indy with fireblade engine model 1999.
The first 10 minutes everything went fine but suddenly i noticed the engine couldn't get enough fuel.
When i stopped the fuelpump was running constandly, like it couldn't get on pressure.
I left the car for half an hour and after that the fuelpump was working normally, going on and off constantly.
When i drove for 5 minutes everything back the same.
I just took off the fuel line because i thought the tank was sucking vacume.
But that wasn't happening.
There was a very small amount of fuel running out of the fuelline.
It is just a little more than when peeing
I think there is too less pressure.
What kind of fuelpump is normally used, i do have rubber fuelline mounted from tank to front.
I hope you guys have any idea how to solve this.

Thanks Marco

Hellfire - 21/7/07 at 07:14 PM

The Fireblade fuel pumps are quite temperamental. Sometimes you get one that works fine and sometimes you don't. It doesn't take much for them to temporarily sieze but a sharp tap with a hammer or similar usually sorts it. Probaby best to have a spare one just in case though.


worX - 22/7/07 at 05:08 AM

You might also want to check your fuel lines - they can (and have) been known to collapse internally, and therefore strangle the flow of fuel. This often makes it seem like the pumps fault. Maybe it is, but it's worth checking before you spend your pennies!


mad-butcher - 22/7/07 at 07:43 AM

Sounds stupid but have you got a vent in the tank 5/10 mins running would create a vacuum, then standind around would allow air into the tank,

[Edited on 22/7/07 by mad-butcher]