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First test drive & it felt good !
the moa 2 - 4/8/07 at 05:21 PM

Fianlly got around to testing it up the road the other day and the first thing that suprised me was how easy it was to pull off the clutch after reading on here how people have had a bit of a nightmare getting used to pulling off i was expecting to stall it 100 times but first time and were away.

The noise of it is unreal the induction bark sitting just infront of you is something else, you feel when driving that you are revving the nuts of the car but thats just because of the noise i think .

I have a paddle shift kit that i bought from a guy on here i cant remember his name at the minute but it will come back to me, its a great looking bit of kit and worked well the one thing i found which im sure alot of people with paddle kits have come across is the way when selecting say third gear i have to push it forward first as it doesnt return from the first selection you made. I hope that makes sense. Has anyone else encounted this if so how have you got on with it.

Just need some new tyres and a MOT and ill be on the road.

zxrlocost - 4/8/07 at 06:05 PM

the paddle should always return to the middle/centre

shortie - 4/8/07 at 06:58 PM

It not the paddle that's the issue, it's probably the return spring on the gear selector arm.

I had the same problem and just added a couple of spings either side to aid it returning to the middle and it sorted it perfectly.


Hellfire - 4/8/07 at 07:15 PM

The ZX12 is an excellent eninge that delivers plenty of torque (for a BEC) low down that makes pickup easy! The 'blade engine we had was much more difficult not to stall...

Glad you got it out and about, just in time for the good weather we're having!


BenB - 4/8/07 at 09:37 PM

Of course the ST1100 has a very flat torque curve.... Meaning it's well easy to pull away.... I haven't stalled it yet!!!

Toady1 - 4/8/07 at 10:52 PM

started and drove mine down the road last week (with only 3" stubs for exhuasts) and it pulled away nicely, even in 2nd!