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WHOOOHOOO!!! Had me my first drive...
andrew.carwithen - 11/10/07 at 08:45 PM

Took the Tiger around the block this affo for its first (ahem) 'Test Drive'
Suspension/tracking etc. has yet to be set up so it handled like a pig and the steering was all over the shop. Brakes deffo need another bleed 'n' all!
Still, 'twas bleddy fantastic!
I drove past the green where my 10 year old son was playing footie with his mates.
He later told me that as I went by one of them exclaimed 'Wow!! what's that??'
To which he replied 'Oh, that's my dad in his kit car!'
'Cooool...' they said, 'that's class!!...'
So now, for a few hours at least, I'm officially the coolest dad on the estate!!


nib1980 - 11/10/07 at 08:49 PM

congrats, being the cool person on the estate is a nice feeling!!

currently I'm experiencing New neighbour envy, closely followed by new neighbour wife mardy syndrome!!

bigrich - 11/10/07 at 08:49 PM

cracking mate, and offically a cool dad too, mmm nice.


JoelP - 11/10/07 at 08:50 PM

damned emoticons,

[Edited on 11/10/07 by JoelP]

Dangle_kt - 11/10/07 at 09:31 PM


Good work

worX - 11/10/07 at 10:03 PM

Quality Andy!
Well done mate...


speedyxjs - 12/10/07 at 07:50 AM

Well done

nick205 - 12/10/07 at 08:00 AM

Originally posted by nib1980
congrats, being the cool person on the estate is a nice feeling!!

currently I'm experiencing New neighbour envy, closely followed by new neighbour wife mardy syndrome!!

I've had some of that too it's absolutely classic when the bloke starts drooling and asking questions like how much, how long and of course how fast. You can see the woman in the background just thinking NO, NO, NO

Lightning - 12/10/07 at 08:23 AM

Have you got the SVA booked yet???

andrew.carwithen - 12/10/07 at 08:35 AM

Originally posted by Lightning
Have you got the SVA booked yet???

Not yet, Steve.
But I've downloaded the form ready to do so.
If you're down this way within the next week, perhaps you could drop in and assist me with suspension set-up etc.?


adithorp - 12/10/07 at 11:46 AM

Excelent! First time I drove mine I came back shaking.


Rudy - 12/10/07 at 03:04 PM

Originally posted by andrew.carwithen
Took the Tiger around the block this affo for its first (ahem) 'Test Drive'
Suspension/tracking etc. has yet to be set up so it handled like a pig and the steering was all over the shop. Brakes deffo need another bleed 'n' all!
Still, 'twas bleddy fantastic!
I drove past the green where my 10 year old son was playing footie with his mates.
He later told me that as I went by one of them exclaimed 'Wow!! what's that??'
To which he replied 'Oh, that's my dad in his kit car!'
'Cooool...' they said, 'that's class!!...'
So now, for a few hours at least, I'm officially the coolest dad on the estate!!


Weel done cool dad !
I think your son was very happy when his friends congratulated to him.

Lightning - 12/10/07 at 03:19 PM

Andy , I should be able to do that. Are you working all next week. I have meetings Mon, Tues and Wednesday.

Going to he Kit car show again. I want to look at the Spire GT-R. SWMBO says I can make another kit and keep the TVR (Not sure I believe this yet, she must want something in return)
There is also a guy in your neck of the woods with a Honda V Tech Turbo engine with 300+ BHP. Now that could be interesting

andrew.carwithen - 12/10/07 at 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Lightning
Andy , I should be able to do that. Are you working all next week. I have meetings Mon, Tues and Wednesday.

Going to he Kit car show again. I want to look at the Spire GT-R. SWMBO says I can make another kit and keep the TVR (Not sure I believe this yet, she must want something in return)
There is also a guy in your neck of the woods with a Honda V Tech Turbo engine with 300+ BHP. Now that could be interesting

No, I'm off work all next week.
So I'm in most days (apart from having to visit chiropractor Wed afternoon.)
Brig along whatever gubbins you used to set yours up.

As regards the Spire GT-R, I'm sure that Andy Bates at AB Performance is now an agent/builder for them. If he's involved, then I reckon that's a pretty good sanction as to the quality of the kit etc.
Are you not thinking bike engine again, then?
Let me know what day you think you'll be able to pop round?
