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R1 build diary's...
falcor - 30/11/07 at 06:01 PM

Can someone point me to some R1 powered build diarys, pics etc ?

TimC - 30/11/07 at 06:06 PM

Link to mine at the bottom of my post (its about 6 weeks out-of-date,) plus:

Enjoy! What car are you thinking of?

worX - 30/11/07 at 06:10 PM

I know you say R1, but you will find that up to a certain point a lot of the BEC builds are very similar, so look at all the BEC Build Diaries you can!

Most people will have spent time reading Hellfire's website... See the bottom of their posts for their site!


falcor - 30/11/07 at 06:14 PM

Well if the build gets decided, which probably happens the coming week it'll be like this:

We're going to build the car at my work, I work with highstrength stainless steels so the car will be a showcase of as many different stainless steel grades as possible. So the frame will be built by us but on what plans is yet to be decided. I want to check out the Haynes plans, I ordered that book today...

I've been looking at parts and costs all week and have estimated the build cost to about £10k, wether or not that gets approved is the question.

worX - 30/11/07 at 06:23 PM

Might be worth posting that in the chassis section to get a better idea of peoples thoughts on your stainless plans!


falcor - 30/11/07 at 06:29 PM

I've read some of the threads on stainless and to be polite, some of the "facts" in them are based on old rumors and others plain wrong.

My daily job is designing and calculating concepts and parts in stainless for the automotive industry so I think we'll work it out...

worX - 30/11/07 at 06:32 PM

Your comment on wanting to use stainless and your justification for so, is why I made no comments on it myself - I do not know about metallurgy, especially new materials!

But in spite of some posts that haven't impressed you, there are a number of people on here that actually do know what they are talking about, and so I still think it's worth voicing your ideas!


falcor - 30/11/07 at 06:44 PM

I'm sorry if I sounded rude I didn't mean to but sometime peoples "prejudice" on stainless steels on car forums gets the better of me....

The stainless steel grade we intend to make the chassis from is developed here in Sweden the last few years so it's very unlikely that anyone on this forum should know of it. It's got a yeild strength of about 600 N/mm2 and a tensile strength of roughly 800 N/mm2. It's about as strong as the chrome-moly tubing used for WRC or racing roll cages.

worX - 30/11/07 at 06:54 PM

I don't think you sounded rude mate, and you certainly didn't offend me!

I understand what you say about the stainless, and the only reason I went on to suggest to still post about it isn't just for other people's clarifications, it was more for the community as a whole to share in your experience and learn from you, just the same as you perhaps gleaning some knowledge on chassis build practices!

It might be an idea to put your location in your Bio as then people realise where you are!

Like I said, I am not one of the people that would be commenting on it, as it's not a speciality of mine! But at the same time, I am interested in learning new practices in this area!


falcor - 30/11/07 at 08:15 PM

If and when the chassis build starts i promise to make a detailed build thread for all interested...

Bob C - 30/11/07 at 08:33 PM

Another build diary - press the www button below ;^)

adithorp - 30/11/07 at 08:37 PM

This is pretty good, especially the wiring loom part.


[Edited on 30/11/07 by adithorp]