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woohoo 0-60 4 seconds
locoR1 - 10/5/08 at 09:30 PM

Been out for a couple of runs tonight to set my E-Boost2 boost controller up!
Spent a wile running different boosts to get the settings needed to program the boost by rpm function.

Tired a few 0-60 runs using the digi-dash2 logger running 12psi boost before i mapped the rpm function i managed 4.5 seconds over 6-7 runs lots of wheel spin in first on most of them but still a reasonable time.

The went home and reprogrammed it to gradually increase boost over the full rev range, before it started to build boost around 4k and made full boost by 5k -5 1/2k not good for traction but entertaining to drive

woohoo its a different car to drive totally transformed it! I'm sure theres more to come with a bit more experimenting and practice on my part but 2 two more runs an I'm down to 0-60 mph in 4 seconds although still with some wheel spin.

I'm more than happy with the times but what are other bec's managing am i suffering with to much power? is 4seconds a respectable time for a bec turbo?


BenB - 10/5/08 at 09:34 PM

Too much power?
Quite your jibba jabba you crazy fooool!
You can't have too many ponies

Myke 2463 - 10/5/08 at 09:41 PM

Hi Dave

Nice one, Ive Known you for over 5 years and your still not going to be satisfied as long as there is a challenge.
buy you a beer next time we meet.

Well done Mike

PS Ashley thinks your mad.

mookaloid - 10/5/08 at 09:44 PM

Originally posted by locoR1
Been out for a couple of runs tonight to set my E-Boost2 boost controller up!
Spent a wile running different boosts to get the settings needed to program the boost by rpm function.

Tired a few 0-60 runs using the digi-dash2 logger running 12psi boost before i mapped the rpm function i managed 4.5 seconds over 6-7 runs lots of wheel spin in first on most of them but still a reasonable time.

The went home and reprogrammed it to gradually increase boost over the full rev range, before it started to build boost around 4k and made full boost by 5k -5 1/2k not good for traction but entertaining to drive

woohoo its a different car to drive totally transformed it! I'm sure theres more to come with a bit more experimenting and practice on my part but 2 two more runs an I'm down to 0-60 mph in 4 seconds although still with some wheel spin.

I'm more than happy with the times but what are other bec's managing am i suffering with to much power? is 4seconds a respectable time for a bec turbo?


I would have thought you should be able to improve that - I was getting less than 4.5 sec from my Pinto Indy



zilspeed - 10/5/08 at 09:47 PM

Originally posted by mookaloid

I would have thought you should be able to improve that - I was getting less than 4.5 sec from my Pinto Indy



Now there's a thought.

Some kind of change to the chassis which might allow the car to put the power down more effectively.

What tyres do you run ?

locoR1 - 10/5/08 at 09:54 PM

Hi mike hows it going got that car finished yet? Mad me!!!!!

Just to give you some idea what I'm preparing for"Linky"

locoR1 - 10/5/08 at 10:02 PM

Originally posted by zilspeed
Originally posted by mookaloid

I would have thought you should be able to improve that - I was getting less than 4.5 sec from my Pinto Indy



Now there's a thought.

Some kind of change to the chassis which might allow the car to put the power down more effectively.

What tyres do you run ?

Spent all winter doing that changed from live axle to de-dion with 3.38 LSD

The winter mods were only finished last Friday then went to Stoneleigh for the weekend so had no time to properly set things up yet!

I'm running Toyo T1s tyres, got a set of Avon acd10's to try next!

zilspeed - 10/5/08 at 10:05 PM

I'd be wiling to bet that the ACB10s make quite a difference.

Then there's slicks after that of course

Hellfire - 11/5/08 at 08:19 AM

Lots of the 0-60 times that you see quoted on here must be taken with a pinch of salt.

Wadders is about the only person I know that has done a 0-60mph with proper timing gear.

Here are his results


hobbsy - 11/5/08 at 08:34 AM

I'd think 0-100 would be a more useful measure of your cars performance as doing a sub 4 second 0-60 is always tricky.

You'll definitely see an improvement if you run A048's/R888's or ACB10's.

Just watch you don't bust your gearbox doing all these 0-60 tests

amalyos - 11/5/08 at 09:05 AM

What cluch are you using?
I'm always worried about killing the clutch with too many hard starts.

locoR1 - 11/5/08 at 09:42 AM

I don't intend making a habit of doing 0-60 runs I've always been worried about the poor little clutch holding up, but so far so good although you do have to let it cool down after a couple of runs! it a genuine Yamaha clutch doubled up on the clutch spring never slipped yet.

Helfire i totally agree with you on the timing! i was more interested in seeing what the boost controller could do to help traction of the line and i think you would agree 1/2 a second is a lot on a 0-60 time especially being the first time I've used it!

0-100 now theres a thought! that should give more of an indication of its performance but what do i compare it with?

froggy - 11/5/08 at 03:06 PM

i go to curborough regularly and if i launch a bit more gently and dont spin it up in first it knocks over a second off my lap time and its worth 1/2 a second on my 1/4 mile time .ive got slicks now and they make a BIG difference

mookaloid - 12/5/08 at 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Hellfire
Lots of the 0-60 times that you see quoted on here must be taken with a pinch of salt.

Wadders is about the only person I know that has done a 0-60mph with proper timing gear.

Here are his results


Hi Phil,

Do you think my 0-60 should be taken with a pinch of salt?

Cheers Mark

Toady1 - 13/5/08 at 12:50 PM

you should hit 100 very quickly! My old 954blade car kept up with a porsche gt3 on the straights to 110mph on a trackday I went to.