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IVA consultation
chrisg - 25/6/08 at 09:39 PM

You can email your comments/observations on the new IVA regs to IVA consultation

I and a few others have asked about an exemption for bike engined cars for the reverse gear issue - If enough people raise the issue it might carry some weight.



eznfrank - 25/6/08 at 09:46 PM

Originally posted by chrisg
........ it might carry some weight.

Or not as the case may (hopefully) be!!

[Edited on 25/6/08 by eznfrank]

ReMan - 25/6/08 at 09:49 PM

Not seen it, but is outlawing BEcs the whole point of putting it in?
Why else or for what else would it be made mandatory?

Chippy - 25/6/08 at 10:34 PM

As is usual with un-ellected quango's, your opinion will mean sweet FA. We are currently dealing with DEFRA over sea defenses, and talking to a brick wall would be more rewarding. But good luck anyway, (you'll need it). Ray

embraboy - 25/6/08 at 10:40 PM

IVA Consultation - Fees Proposal

Check out the proposed fees section at page 31 of this document:

£540 for a Kit Car against £280 for a "normal production vehicle" and that's for a for the same test under the same rules and regulations.

Either one is a helluva hike against the current £158.

Although they're not all bad - check out the retest fees section where they're "considering whether there should be flexibility to reduce the fees for certain re-inspection items."

I just knew they were a decent bunch at heart.....

speedyxjs - 26/6/08 at 06:55 AM

Originally posted by embraboy
£540 for a Kit Car against £280 for a "normal production vehicle" and that's for a for the same test under the same rules and regulations.

Either one is a helluva hike against the current £158.

So much for build a sports car for £250
Has anyone got a spare copy of the book to send to them in the hope it might persuade them to drop the proposed price a bit

Agriv8 - 26/6/08 at 08:16 AM

Consultation ah now thats a good word.

in gouvenment speak it means listen and ignore.

The only things they will listen to is things that affect icome ( thers ) and votes.

For example 2,500 kit cars are SVA'ed a year raising the fee to £540 may men increased income to Vosa but at this may mean that less cars are built and registered. If the average builder spends £10,000 on a build. The gouvernment will have had tax from that and very likley UK companies to produce the parts.

Throw the green angle in ( recylcling engine parts / transmisions) using small capacity engines bike ( arround the 1 litre mark ) some of us !.

What I am trying to say is that what you need is someone who is good with words ( and spin ) to pen a letter with all the sugestions our thoughts.

this then needs to be supported by ALL of us and come from the locost builders forum.

At the end of he day new regsulations will be tighter and things will cost more.

Any gouvernment department is not there for a SERVICE anymore, it is the to be as close cost neutral as possible. for example does my pasport renewal really cost £72 to produce

Rant over as I have 170 pages of ( simplified ) pensions regs to read through !!!!


thepest - 26/6/08 at 11:05 AM

Worth a shot if it is not yet implemented... would you know any politicains son who maybe a car nut over there?

Or work it out in such a way that you prove a loss of income due to the higher testing fees.

Good luck and dont quit.

chrisg - 3/7/08 at 06:00 PM

Hi Guys

Just had this email from the DoT re the reverse gear problem with the new IVA regs


No exemption is planned. I am aware that reverse gears are not fitted to these vehicles, we might be prepared to look at a request to exempt vehicles below a certain weight. (e.g. where the driver could jump out and move the vehicle if stuck in a country lane).

I suggest that you respond to our consultation (see link in my signature), justifying the lack of reverse gear and proposing a suitable weight limit, although I cannot promise that this will be accepted.

Mike Lowe.
Senior Policy Advisor, Commercial Vehicles and Regulation
Transport Technology and Standards Division
UK Department for Transport"

So what's the average BEC weigh and can we all lobby for this?? it might be an idea to circulate this to other BEC forums too.

Link for consultation.

