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New Owner
Riggins - 14/7/08 at 01:49 PM

Want to say Hi to you all. I have just become the owner of a Tiger B6 and feel I can now announce myself.

I have been looking around the forums for a little while now and found some very useful information (realise just how little I know! ) So thanks to you all.

I'm sure I'll be looking on here for some help and advice and hopefully get the chance to meet up with some of you at some point.



richardh - 14/7/08 at 01:59 PM


simoto - 14/7/08 at 02:03 PM

Hi, Good find folks on here are helpful and usually patient with us noobs. Welcome.

worX - 14/7/08 at 02:15 PM

Hi and welcome!

Not only the right forum, but the right section too!!!


Riggins - 14/7/08 at 02:55 PM

Thanks for the warm welcome.

I'm glad I managed to post in the right section at least once

omega0684 - 14/7/08 at 03:11 PM

welcome to the nutter farm!