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Annual SORN declaration?
Slimy38 - 2/9/13 at 11:25 AM

I thought SORN had gone to 'active until declared otherwise'? I've just done a SORN on my donor car (an absolute nightmare in itself!) and the response has said valid for 12 months.

loggyboy - 2/9/13 at 11:32 AM

Its been proposed, but no date as to when its going to start that im aware of.

luke2152 - 2/9/13 at 11:42 AM

absolute nightmare? takes about 2 minutes to do online

Slimy38 - 2/9/13 at 11:50 AM

Originally posted by luke2152
absolute nightmare? takes about 2 minutes to do online

Yeah, apart from the declaration being today (2nd Sept), my owning the car since the 30th of July, and the last SORN running out on the 2nd of July, so I'm liable for an untaxed penalty (as is the previous owner apparently).

I'd submitted a V890 when I bought the car, ticking the box that said 'V5C on its way' or something of that ilk. That V890 arrived back with me saying that I wasn't the registered keeper. No s**t sherlock, that's why I said the V5C was on its way!!

Phoned the DVLA and they said that I should declare it today, then appeal the penalty notice when it comes through. How messed up is that?! Fortunately the V890 they returned has their office stamp of the 31st of July, so I reckon that's about as watertight as it can be.

Maybe next year it will just be two minutes online...

luke2152 - 2/9/13 at 12:02 PM

Next year? Hopefully you'll be done and dusted with your donor v5 by then!

Slimy38 - 2/9/13 at 12:38 PM

Originally posted by luke2152
Next year? Hopefully you'll be done and dusted with your donor v5 by then!

LOL, not the speed my build is going!! The donor will be gone next week, but the paperwork to say it still exists will stay until registration.

chrism - 2/9/13 at 03:53 PM

Originally posted by Slimy38
I thought SORN had gone to 'active until declared otherwise'? I've just done a SORN on my donor car (an absolute nightmare in itself!) and the response has said valid for 12 months.

There was a mention about this in the latest PPC mag, as they thought the same aswell and hav apprently ended up with a couple of fines. They contacted the DVLA/VOSA/Whoever and found out that its possibly being started at the end of the year, that was when they eventually found someone who had actually heard of the proposal of course.

OfCourseIam - 21/9/13 at 08:52 AM

This may be declared due to some regular one that can be allowed to be performed in it.

40inches - 21/9/13 at 10:15 AM

Originally posted by OfCourseIam
This may be declared due to some regular one that can be allowed to be performed in it.
