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Chevy S10 Builders?
Rick Iram - 26/10/02 at 11:53 PM

I'm planning to use a Chevy S10 Pickup as a donor, and I'm wondering who else might be using it. I know about the Stalker V6. It looks really good, but with all due respect to Dennis, it's too much like a kit car for me. I want to do as much as possible myself, and I have to do this on a pretty tight budget. Rear wheel drive donors are getting very scarce except for the small pickup trucks. I looked into the Camaro, but it's pretty wide and uses a McPherson strut front suspension. I like the 60 degree V6. It's small, doesn't weigh much more than a lot of fours, and it will produce enough power to scare me in a little car like this. It would be great to find another builder to share some ideas. Dennis is understandably close-mouthed about details on the Stalker V6 since he is building it commercially. I'm particularly interested in chassis modifications needed and front suspension details. Anybody out there?

Locofinn - 13/7/04 at 02:29 PM

Looking into this myself. At least for the axle, uprights and brakes. A lot of pics on other builders are on a Stalker V6 web site build diary. We should be able to figure it out withou exact dimensions and book cut lengths. You can see from photos the size and arrangement of the chassis tubes. I am sure the nose cone/ scuttle will be a custom or mod. The rest looks basic Locost. I know this original post is old but I am new. How far did you get in you or anyone get into this?

ned - 13/7/04 at 02:32 PM

Checking that guy's profile he hasn't been active on here since nov 02. You could try his email if it still works..
