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what cars can i use??
chris101 - 6/6/05 at 09:40 PM

just starting to organise a build of a locost and wondering which cars i can use as a donor? i want to stick to Build you own sportscar, as closely as possible but was wondering if i can use a sierra instead of the escort?

flak monkey - 6/6/05 at 09:48 PM

Use the search button and all will become clear...! Type in sierra donor. Im sure you will find your answer.

Also take a look on my

Bear in mind those are just the cars i considered. You can use anything you like. Probably 80% of the people on this site are using sierra donors, with either DeDion axle or IRS...


PS welcome to the nut house....

[Edited on 6/6/05 by flak monkey]