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when to buy donor?
matt12 - 19/10/05 at 04:06 PM


i've just been looking at e bay for sierra's and there are some quite cheap ones on there.

i wont be building locost for year or two yet but i'm bit worried that as with the escort suitable cars will dwindle and go more expensive.

i have somewhere i could store it for nothing and out of way so thats not problem so should i buy car now maybe strip it and store bits, or stop being so paranoid and wait especially as chassis design will prob be modded to suit whatever the most common donor is at time?

zetec - 19/10/05 at 04:14 PM

I would wait till nearer the build as what you say is true...You may decide to get a chassis which uses a different donor. A few companies use Sierra, MX5 and now BMW.

Danozeman - 19/10/05 at 04:15 PM

Id go for it and get all the bits stripped and cleaned and rebuilt ready to go.

Maybe earn some money towards the kit if you sell off the bits not needed.

mookaloid - 19/10/05 at 04:49 PM

I'd go for it too.

You waste so much time during the build reconditioning your donor bits that if everything was there ready to bolt on beforehand you could build an Indy or something like it in 2 or 3 weeks.



smart51 - 19/10/05 at 05:41 PM

I bought my donor parts when I ordered my kit. The 8 week delivery time was enough to get them all ready for the build.

ben salt - 20/10/05 at 09:31 AM

I'd say buy it and strip it. If you've got the space to store the stuff, then why not? Plus, if you decide to go for a different donor kit, then you can probably sell the bits on here, and get back what you spent