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Cleaning brake reservoir
Indymike - 17/10/06 at 08:15 PM

I thought I would pop the reservoir off my master cylinder and put it in the dishwasher. Is that a good idea or will it ruin anything?

oliwb - 17/10/06 at 08:17 PM

Should be fine - obviously don't put the cap in as well as I would imagine the wet and heat will probably destroy the electrics in the top.....Will be interesting to see:
a- the results
b- how you get it past SWMBO
c- the look on her face when she finds out! - especially if it goes wrong!

Agriv8 - 17/10/06 at 08:50 PM

dont have a dish washer but they are supposidly brill for cleaning engine bits.

SWIMBO could be the problem.



Jon Ison - 17/10/06 at 08:53 PM

they don't like spark plugs in the oven either, cant think why not.........

Indymike - 17/10/06 at 09:07 PM

Not sure what SWMBO stands for, but I think I can guess who you mean. Was planning this little job for when she's not around. Save me some grief

RazMan - 17/10/06 at 09:17 PM

Baking on Hammerite engine mounts in the oven gets me 'the look'

SWMBO = She Who Must Be Obeyed

russbost - 17/10/06 at 09:30 PM

Mmmmmmmmmmmm, Yummy, brake fluid flavoured plates

02GF74 - 18/10/06 at 12:56 PM

this is just the platstic bit? I'd be concerned with the high temp - can you jsut use some water and washing up liquid with a tooth brush/shake it?

Bluemoon - 18/10/06 at 01:11 PM

I removed reservoir, rinsed with methylated, wiped with clean rag, rinsed, and let dry.. Worked for me. I would be cautious about putting anything with breakfluid near food as it's nasty stuff, at the least I would run the dishwasher afterwards a few times before using it again...


[Edited on 18/10/06 by Bluemoon]

[Edited on 18/10/06 by Bluemoon]

dave r - 18/10/06 at 08:32 PM

Originally posted by Bluemoon
breakfluid near food as it's nasty stuff,


you ever read whats in dishwasher tablets ??

have put several car parts through mine, and the mrs isnt any wiser ;p

lexi - 22/10/06 at 06:08 PM

Yeah caustic soda.It`s needed to clean the turmeric off the plates I broke the wifes Zannusi up last week to scavenge some bits for projects (doesn`t everyone?)Lordy that thing was minging inside.
I think I`ll wash my dishes by hand now.