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Information, Perci's Photos added
jollygreengiant - 6/2/09 at 11:47 AM

Just a heads up for those that are/might be interested, I have added Perci's (Becky's) photos on my archive. They are in the section labeled Percis photos (not the one with the delete tag) and are from the shows last year and mainly of the Luego group.

They are there for all to peruse and enjoy.

[Edited on 6/2/09 by jollygreengiant]

perci - 6/2/09 at 02:56 PM

Thanks for that Clive.
cheers becx

richard thomas - 6/2/09 at 09:58 PM

Nice one...looking at those has strengthened my determination to make some events this year!

jollygreengiant - 6/2/09 at 10:21 PM

Originally posted by richard thomas
Nice one...looking at those has strengthened my determination to make some events this year!

Assuming that I get my SVA done this in the next month, it could be slightly different, BUT the camaraderie will still still be the same. I hae yet to learn what can and can't be caried on/in a seven-esque car.

But I have a good role model - Clive.

Steve Lovelock - 7/2/09 at 07:32 PM

The photos really brought back the fun of summer in a Luego. I am looking forward to doing a lot of miles in mine this year.

Clive, felt a little guilty for being a tad direct on the SVA front but do believe that you should get an SVA application in asap. Although we all will miss all the equipement you and your fine lady take to the events. Roll on May and Luego action

Dave J - 7/2/09 at 09:51 PM

What a superb collection of fine vehicles

Looking forward to joining the line up again this year.


Dave and Elaine