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Calling ALL Luego Owners.
jollygreengiant - 31/5/09 at 03:23 PM

Hi folks.

I would like to send out (occasionally) emails to all you luvly lads (and Lass's). Now I could do this the hard way by trawling alll your posts and pulling the email address's of the contact details/buttons OR I could just ask you nicely,
Pretty Please, Grovel, Grovel, Grovel. etc.
if you could just send me an email saying 'hello' or even just '?'.
This is all relevant to our plans for the 'Stafford ' show and the contact list built up will ONLY be used refernce the Luego Owners Club. If however you are vehemently opposed to the use of email contact then please feel free to send me a U2U insead.

Ta very muchly
Clive (JGG)

Dave Bailey - 31/5/09 at 03:59 PM

Building ST170 powered Velocity... Engine running but still lots of little jobs to do!

Scotty - 31/5/09 at 04:00 PM


stevegough - 31/5/09 at 04:24 PM

Stafford is still a long way off, but my car is a lot further off! Plan is to be mobile + legal by next Stoneleigh (or maybe the one after!)

(Blackpool) Steve.

Paul (Notts) - 31/5/09 at 04:42 PM


tj4ord - 31/5/09 at 05:02 PM

done...... By the way is anyone going to the Newark kit car show hoping there might be someone there with a velocity i can have a nose around?

[Edited on 31/5/09 by tj4ord]

rusty nuts - 31/5/09 at 05:26 PM

You have u2u . Mel

kelloggs - 31/5/09 at 05:39 PM


x_flow57 - 31/5/09 at 05:54 PM

Also done.

mgmiller - 31/5/09 at 07:35 PM

email sent :-)

piddy - 31/5/09 at 07:46 PM


Snuggs - 31/5/09 at 07:53 PM

U2U sent

bill132hotrod - 31/5/09 at 10:06 PM

u2u sent.

wilkingj - 1/6/09 at 07:38 AM

Email Sent...

Let me know if you dont get it!.


NeilP - 1/6/09 at 06:03 PM

U2U me heartie - Arrrrgghhhh!

Numb nuts - 1/6/09 at 07:08 PM

E-mail sent Steve

repper - 3/6/09 at 04:06 PM

building 4.6/50 V8 hill climber

email sent and u2u just in case

[Edited on 3/6/09 by repper]

wicket - 4/6/09 at 09:19 PM


DanP - 7/6/09 at 05:47 PM

email address is:
d t e p 1 0 0 'a t' z e p l e r dot n e t


jollygreengiant - 14/6/09 at 05:53 PM

Hello Again lads & lass's

Well this week I have finally laid my end of year tax paper work to bed, apart from doing the online bit with HMIR&C. In between that and work related stuff I also corellated all the information that you all emailed & U2U'd to me. For this I am very gratefull as it also allowed me to do a little bit of Forum trawling on this site to try and come up with a comprehensive list of owners, site names and most of the email address's that go with them. There are a few on here that did not respond, some are no doubt too busy, others are in the process of trying to sell their cars.

As a result I have come to the conclusion that there are somewhere in the region of.......................................

60, YES SIXTY, vehicles out there which are either total Luego's through and through or have used Luego body panels in their construction.
I think I made it a minimum total of 3 in Canada (greetings to you all)
4 are book built with Luego panels (except 1 who is just a honoury member for his Stainless steel welding skills.)
And a couple who are based in Europe.

So that means that there are something like 50 vehicles within the UK.

I would at this point like to thank ALL those who regularily attend the car shows and the rest of you, some who are building (14 approx) will no doubt be making the effort to attend a few more shows over the next few years. It is ALLWAYS a pleasure to see new faces and we try and accomodate everyones taste and pleasures. For those of you at the extremes of this country, I understand your problems with getting to shows so far away. Perhaps you would care to organise something more local to your area. Next year we will be more organised and we will be organising some Luego Away days. I can only appologise for my failure to get this years oganised.

Due to some errant computer problems I will, by the looks of it be sending out my planned news letter possibly by U2U where possibly and by email to those who I know have a problem with U2U. Hopefully I will get to the bottom of this problem soon.

Don't forget people that the Newark Sohw is next weekend I shall be arriving on the Friday Afternoon as will quite a few others. So we shall be having quite a good Friday night BBQ, For those that don't want to miss the British Grandprix, there will be TV coverage in the Cedric Ford Pavillion. For those who just want to mix with like minded people and have a good time there will be the rest of the site. So lets have a good one and see you there.

Arthur Dent - 19/6/09 at 04:14 AM

I'm one of the Canadian ones. Luego Locost (body panels and frame). Toyota 4AGE engine with T50 gearbox. Hyundai Stellar spindles and Hyundai Pony rear axle. So close to being done.

email is dave_z28ca theatsign yahoo thedot com

Won't be able to make any events sadly

billy - 19/6/09 at 08:47 PM

i must get mine out the garage! its been in there for 2 years now waiting for a summer

GrumpyOne - 19/6/09 at 09:14 PM

Can you organise a trip to Paris for about this time next year please? I have been there many times with work but never seen the Eifel tower.
I don't mind sharing a room but not a bed and I like brown toast in the morning.

Thank You

stevegough - 19/6/09 at 09:36 PM

Originally posted by GrumpyOne
Can you organise a trip to Paris for about this time next year please? I have been there many times with work but never seen the Eifel tower.
I don't mind sharing a room but not a bed and I like brown toast in the morning.

Thank You

SORRY, But I just can't resist this one......

Nobody is going to want to share a bed with you.... they might wake up feeling Grumpy !

(even though its as old as I am !!)


GrumpyOne - 19/6/09 at 09:54 PM

It's the drink that does that, you go to bed feeling happy and wake up feeling grumpy

Snow White though 7UP was a fizzy drink until she discovered Smirnoff

[Edited on 19/6/09 by GrumpyOne]

stevegough - 20/6/09 at 07:56 AM

Originally posted by GrumpyOne
It's the drink that does that, you go to bed feeling happy and wake up feeling grumpy

Snow White thought 7UP was a fizzy drink until she discovered Smirnoff

[Edited on 19/6/09 by GrumpyOne]


you're worse than me !

GrumpyOne - 20/6/09 at 10:29 AM


you're worse than me !

That bad you just have to smile

Numb nuts - 20/6/09 at 08:02 PM

Velocity XT coming off the road in August for a ballsy 200+ bhp Zetec transplant

Browser - 14/7/09 at 04:50 PM

When I actually start putting mine together then I'll e-mail you, I feel like enough of a fraud coming on here as it is with mine still sat under a tarp on the drive