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front top wishbones
westclad - 20/1/10 at 10:03 PM

I finally been given permission to work on my car again. And straight away i have a problem. can you all offer some advise please. when i fit the top wishbones and top ball joints i have to wind thw ball joint out nearly all of the way to get the joint in to the upright, This doesn't seem right or safe to me. i was wondering if i;ve got the wrong top arms i'e non xt ones. i have posted some pictures see what you think. thanks Ade[img][1].JPG[/img]

stevegough - 20/1/10 at 10:10 PM

no, doesn't look right - I don't think my situation is unusual, but to achieve anything even approaching a negative camber angle, the adjuster has to be wound all the way in - you may have a mismatch in your wishbones, as you say.

See my pic ( mine is a luego locost, but I don't think the wishbones at the front are any different).

westclad - 20/1/10 at 10:28 PM

I see what you mean, what my photo dosen't show is the front wheel is angled right back towards the vehicle even with the adjustment in the picture. i even tried swapping the arms front to back and had the same major problem at the rear. would there any chance you could measure youre front arms on the longest side so i can compare them. I'm convinced i have the wrong arms. The kit is one of the first XT'S bought from the show in 2003. i haven't taken this long to build it i bought it last year.

tegwin - 20/1/10 at 10:43 PM

Where did you get your ball joints from?

I had an issue on the TVR where the ball joints I was supplied didnt have as much articulation as they should have... so I couldnt actually get them in....

Bought some new ones from another source and you could bend them a bit further so they fitted correctly.....

stevegough - 20/1/10 at 10:47 PM

Its not at all easy seeing what you mean from that photo, but I have just measured my wish bones and the longest arm on the top one (points forward) measured from weld to weld at the outside (longest) point is 175mm.

I also measured the bottom one - It may be that which is too long? from weld to where it disappears under the plate is just 300mm. (longest point - outside - again).

Hope this helps, I'm off to get my beauty sleep now - god knows I need it! Back on line in the morning. Good luck!

austin man - 21/1/10 at 12:00 AM

is it designed for the Sierra hubs ?? or is it designed for Cortina items ? that could make a difference

stevegough - 21/1/10 at 11:09 AM

Originally posted by austin man
is it designed for the Sierra hubs ?? or is it designed for Cortina items ? that could make a difference

Its a luego velocity XT - designed for the sierra uprights.

westclad - 21/1/10 at 09:09 PM

Hello again. Just checked length of top arm, using forward facing bar between welds 175mm like yours, lower wishbones front facing bar again between the same points as you i've got 350mm!! I've taken another measurement between the centre of out side balljoint securing bolt and the centre line of the front chassis bolt, it gives me 430mm. i've attached another photo hopefully clearer. Rescued attachment IMG_0213.JPG
Rescued attachment IMG_0213.JPG

stevegough - 21/1/10 at 10:40 PM

sounds like you have a different bottom wishbone to me - but don't forget, mine isn't an XT but a Locost (older version of the velocity) so you need to compare with one that is definately an XT.
By the way, the photos you are posting need shrinking down - right click it in the file on your pc, and select resize from the pop up menu. - select medium or large, and then post it on here. (otherwise Fozzie might have your nuts!).

I will try and measure mine as you suggested tomorrow to the bolt - hole, but you really need an XT man.

Good luck.

stevegough - 22/1/10 at 07:47 PM

measurement as requested....
lower wishbone from c/l of front susp bolt to centre of bolt on bottom balljoint.....

375 mm Yours was 430 mm.

I think you have the wrong lower wishbones, westie.

westclad - 23/1/10 at 07:40 AM

Thanks, i have contacted luego to see what they come back with. Thank you for checking
