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Lurego Home to Stoneleigh to Home
jollygreengiant - 3/5/10 at 03:23 PM

Well, I have now finished playing Tetris pack, unpack, repack and final unpack (now I've just got to clean and sort in the house, although I could just leave that for the wife to do as punishment for not coming this year, again) AND I have finished playing musical cars. So now it is sit down and ENJOY a nice warming cup TEA time whilst the comfortable warming (NO WIND) feeeling of being in the house seeps back into my body. GOD it feels good.

Thank you to all of you who did manage to put in appearance this year, some off you were sorely missed, but I trust that you will be making up for the absence by being at Newark (19th/20th June).

It was also nice to put some names and faces to some of the new Luego builders and if any of the rest of us can be of help the please ask.


wilkingj - 3/5/10 at 03:54 PM

Sorry I could not make it. I am on the Isle of Harris in the Outer Hebrides with some Radio pals. We may go over to the Monarch Isles as they are uninhabited to play radios, and also considering a trip to St Kilda. (St K is a long way... 40 miles out into the Atlantic!)

Stoneleigh is a long way to go from here. Shifting dates caused the clash. Should be at Newark.

Hope I wasnt missed that much!

Cheers all , and hope you all had a good time.

NeilP - 3/5/10 at 05:13 PM

Missed the excellent company (plus traditional beer and burgers) but did not miss the cold - I was a block of ice when I got home - you has my respects, mateys - a hardier crew you'll not find, arrrgggghhhh...

RichardK - 3/5/10 at 06:27 PM

Nice to meet you mate, unfortuanantly I won't be able to attend Newark but I think roughing it for the 2 days at Stoney with the cold and generally crap weather must put some sort of credit into my "not pussying out" account.



John n Steve - 31/5/10 at 05:32 PM

Just through MOT for this year and hoping to drive up A1 from Stamford to Newark on the Sunday.....if I can get the puncture sorted that I managed to get on the car's first outing this year!

simonk - 31/5/10 at 10:42 PM

Going camping with SG7s in Suffolk shortly and then hope to be at Newark the following weekend at least for the Sunday, poss also the Sat and stay over
