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Good Day in the Garage....
simonk - 31/5/10 at 09:00 PM

Hello all, not posted for a bit, busy driving the thing......

Had a couple of things lined up to do and got them done this weekend. Firstly got the brake bias adjusted fitted to the balance bar - since SVA the brakes had gone rear biased (marginally) so took all the locking rubbish off and fitted a proper adjuster and set it up properly.

Also fitted new diff. The old one was the only bit on the car not brand new or properly remanufactured and it had a pronounced metallic knock going on-off the throttle. Have had new one for a bit on the garage floor but got around to fitting it and it's now a different car. Much smoother to drive and seems to have improved the gearbox action also.

Also investigated the dreaded bush and crush tube situation as I had to remove the lower offside wishbone to get the diff bolts out - results interesting and in following post !

Cheers all


coozer - 31/5/10 at 09:04 PM

All I've managed today is to go in looking for a tape and coming out with a blob of grease on me slippers then leaving it all over the door mat and living room floor!


big_wasa - 31/5/10 at 09:19 PM

I was at work this morning but had a few hours in there this afternoon. Ive made a tray to mount my high presure pump and filter and have mounted it. I hope to get the fuel system finished this week.

Danozeman - 31/5/10 at 09:24 PM

I went in my garage this weekend to get a screwdriver and came out again. Havent been back to put the screwdriver away yet either.

BenB - 31/5/10 at 09:33 PM

I was at work doing paperwork. All day. Happy happy joy joy...

stevebubs - 1/6/10 at 12:17 AM

I started one car for the first time in 9 months, moved it back, rolled the Fury out into daylight...and called it a day...

jossey - 1/6/10 at 07:56 AM

i picked up my ready re built zzr 1100 engine.

then welding the steering rack extensions on.

welded up the new suspension coil overs supports at the bottom on the wishbones and new wish bone supports.

then welded on the steering column at a totally wrong angle then moved it.

also sorted the tracking out using a laser pen :O)

so busy one for me.