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chassis give away
RV8 - 9/3/03 at 05:42 PM

Anybody know who got the chassis in the staford show

ChrisW - 9/3/03 at 07:14 PM

I think you have to wait until the end of the season. Don't expect they're giving one away at every show!


Findlay234 - 9/3/03 at 10:19 PM

or two for that matter.......................


Luego Sports Cars - 10/3/03 at 10:31 AM

At most shows this year we are giving away a Viento or Velocity chassis. The lucky winner at Stafford show was Gary Hickman from Burton-On-Trent, congratulations.

Luego Sports Cars Ltd had a fantastic show and would like to thank all of you that came and expressed so much interest in our cars; we took plenty of orders for kits as well as parts, thanks again. We look forward to seeing you all at Stonleigh. Regards The Team.

ChrisW - 10/3/03 at 11:32 AM

i stand corrected!


Jumbo - 11/3/03 at 06:59 PM

Proud to say that I am the lucky bugger who has won the chassis from friendly guys at Luego.

All I need now is a little help on building the thing!

theconrodkid - 11/3/03 at 07:07 PM

breakfast on you then

Simon - 12/3/03 at 09:31 AM


To quote Monty Python

"You lucky, lucky, lucky lucky bastard"

Congrats etc. Look forward to seeing pics in the archive as your build progresses.

