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Luego Press Release
Luego Sports Cars - 22/4/06 at 11:05 AM

Luego Sports Cars Ltd, has had to cease trading in its current capacity! We would like to thank all the support of the customers and the magazines over the years. Sorry to all you Luego owners. We have had a very difficult couple of years due to ever increasing LSIS manufactures, coming into the market and giving this fantastic product away for nothing. Luego could not go down the route of decreasing the product quality like some of the other manufacturers!

We have attempted to hang in there for as long we could however things did not change. We have done our best to full fill any orders however there may a few that have not been totally full filled. If these are on a credit card payment please contact your credit card company.

The Legal team dealing with this is on 01733 235253.

For supplies of Luego Products contact:
Custom Mouldings GRP 01455 847045
Tube Engineering Exhausts 01673862286
Dampertech Shocks 01709703992
Milfield Parts 01733 312056

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Regards The Team.

mookaloid - 22/4/06 at 11:10 AM

jos - 22/4/06 at 11:21 AM

Thats very sad news.

piddy - 22/4/06 at 11:28 AM

Very very sad.
They have £250 of mine.

APR - 22/4/06 at 11:28 AM


adz h - 22/4/06 at 11:38 AM


emsfactory - 22/4/06 at 11:52 AM

Another big player down.
Not good for the industry.
Cash is king.

stevec - 22/4/06 at 12:18 PM

MikeR - 22/4/06 at 12:24 PM

bugger - thats a shock, when i saw the title i almost guessed

big_wasa - 22/4/06 at 12:35 PM

Fcuk-it They were just up the road and I was going to get a few bits next week.

mandbsheldon - 22/4/06 at 12:36 PM

Just shows how competative the market is. With cutting edge design and performance options. You rearly do have to be ahead of the game. Real shame!!


Mark18 - 22/4/06 at 01:23 PM

Sorry to hear that. Wonder what this will do to the price of our cars?

donut - 22/4/06 at 01:32 PM

What a shame. I thought they were in for the long run. I hope everyone who has placed orders can either get the goodies or their money back.

BKLOCO - 22/4/06 at 01:55 PM

A little bit naughty to have done Detling as though everything was hunky dory.
A great pity all the same.
It was the other one on my shortlist of 2 when I ordered my chassis.
The only locost chassis to be stress tested by Cranfield labs I believe.

wilkingj - 22/4/06 at 02:23 PM

Sorry to hear that.

I am just glad I have all the bits to complete my Viento. Hope to be on the road within the month.

Hope things work out, as Leugo are a great bunch, and have good quality products.
Lets hope its just "Cease trading in its current capacity" and there is a Son of Luego.

Perhaps we now understand why The Caterfield Kits cost as much as they do...

Best Wishes to them all and hope the future brightens for you.

Scotty - 22/4/06 at 02:51 PM

oh buggeration !
think i have all the necessary bits too
good luck to grant, all round nice bloke, and to the rest of the team
hey! does this make mine a collectors piece now ???

Paul (Notts) - 22/4/06 at 02:53 PM

andybod - 22/4/06 at 04:14 PM

mmmmm don't know what to say bad news and a shame lets hope for a brighter future for grant and his team lets try and get the club up and running hope i've got all my bits now

the_fbi - 22/4/06 at 04:15 PM

Having not been to a show in 15+ years and basing my "view" on manufacturers purely by their marketed image (website, adverts etc), I'm shocked.

What appeared to be one of the best companies, certainly with happy customers.

Good luck to all those affected/involved.

darrens - 22/4/06 at 04:16 PM


Sad to hear, but they have a sh#t load of money of mine

Danozeman - 22/4/06 at 04:48 PM

Bloody hell i didnt expect that. They seemed to be one of the most "solid" manufacturers. Escpecially offering one of the bigger kits with the Viento..

Good luck to Grant and the rest of the Luego boys. They are a great bunch!!

JohnN - 22/4/06 at 05:18 PM

Grant, Matt & the rest of the Luego team, thanks for your help in the past, good luck & best wishes for the future


rusty nuts - 22/4/06 at 05:24 PM

Bummer ! Feel sorry for those that miss out , hope things work out OK

numnuts - 22/4/06 at 06:51 PM


they took £263.00 last week for exhaust they must have known then ..

Lawnmower - 22/4/06 at 07:53 PM

Triton - 22/4/06 at 08:10 PM

Crikey not good news.

Fozzie - 22/4/06 at 08:12 PM

Sad news indeed!


bob - 22/4/06 at 09:13 PM

Sorry to hear the bad news,nice crowd at luego always got on well with them.

I know a couple or three lads who have there chassis and i know they will be shocked as well,especially chrisw.

Trev D - 22/4/06 at 09:13 PM

To Grant and the team very sad news. Hope that you can work something out in the future, regards, Trev

wicket - 22/4/06 at 09:53 PM

Matt said at Detling that things had been difficult lately but this is totally unexpected.

To Grant, Matt & all the Luego team, thanks for all your help in the past, good luck & best wishes for the future.

Eric & Ade Norman

ned - 23/4/06 at 10:00 AM

so who's gonna sponsor locostbuilders now?!!

best of luck to those at luego for their future endeavours.

I'd be suprised if/that there isn't a market for the viento in one guise or another as a going concern. the locost and velocity are maybe not competitive in the current market but the viento certainly has niche market even if its not my cuppa tea.


darrens - 23/4/06 at 10:43 AM

I'm still quite surprise at their demise, did they invest too much either on in house tooling/research, on advertising or were the sales just not good enough. Would have thought there sales were OK. (maybe their beer fund was too high).

It does seem a bit off for the company to be at the Delting show, atleast one of the staff would have known what was coming.

It's not easy surviving at the moment and there have been a few slow patches which have affected every industry over the last couple of years. It is sad to see a company go with such a good product and team behind it, don't get wrong I'm still miffed that they took my money only 2 and a bit weeks ago for an exhaust which I now have to chase, a few phone call to be made on Monday.

Luego is not one of the companies I expected to go.


[Edited on 23/4/06 by darrens]

the_fbi - 23/4/06 at 11:02 AM

Originally posted by darrens
It does seem a bit off for the company to be at the Delting show, atleast one of the staff would have known what was coming.

Perhaps they hoped the show may bring in enough orders for them to survive?

907 - 23/4/06 at 11:28 AM

I blame Geoff.

At the mere mention of food or drink, he was there.

I recon he's eaten them out of house & home.

Paul G

wilkingj - 23/4/06 at 04:24 PM

Originally posted by 907
I blame Geoff.

At the mere mention of food or drink, he was there.

I recon he's eaten them out of house & home.

Paul G

Bugger... Iv'e been Sussed!!

Its a damn shame, As for people loosing any money.
Its a Bloody Good reason to pay for everything by Credit Card. If you paid by ceredit card (not debit card) you can get you money back from the Card Company... Its one of the good points and is probably funded from the 16% interest you pay.

COREdevelopments - 23/4/06 at 04:30 PM

shit just read the news bit slow, been busy. like everyone said its a great shame to see this happen to such a great freindly team. was thinking of ordering from them soon too.

COREdevelopments - 23/4/06 at 04:30 PM

shit just read the news bit slow, been busy. like everyone said its a great shame to see this happen to such a great freindly team. was thinking of ordering from them soon too.

COREdevelopments - 23/4/06 at 04:30 PM

shit just read the news bit slow, been busy. like everyone said its a great shame to see this happen to such a great freindly team. was thinking of ordering from them soon too.

graememk - 23/4/06 at 06:09 PM

i was going to order from them at the xmas open day but bought a part build mk insted....................good luck for me very bad for them sorry to hear they were very nice guys

muzchap - 23/4/06 at 10:39 PM


another small business to the wall.... I blame the ever increasing stealth taxes and pathetic government!

Good luck to Matt / Grant / Steve - can't be easy!

As for those saying about 'they should have known blah blah' - not true, you ever run a business - you keep it going right down to the wire, until every last penny has been obtained and the banks foreclose on you.

A sad day indeed - they were just around the corner from me - literally... :-(

Hope as somebody else posted - Son of Luego is born

Humbug - 24/4/06 at 07:14 AM

They could do with updating the website to put a notice on the home page...

Gazza - 24/4/06 at 11:17 AM

Sorry to hear about the demise - a real shame.

Good luck in the future tho guys.

G3OFF - 24/4/06 at 01:45 PM

Good Luck Guys with everything you do in the future.... the luego crew were top people....

p.s. im the guy that looked after the luego website.. so if the people who are talking about setting up an owners club need any help / artwork etc.. let me know...


Tube Engineers Ltd - 24/4/06 at 02:32 PM

What a surprise!!! NOT!!!!

To all the unfortunate customers who are waiting for an exhaust system from Luego, or for any new enquiries please feel free to contact us on 01673 862286.

Tube Engineers Ltd

Dave J - 24/4/06 at 02:37 PM

Gosh, this is a bit of a shock,

Been away for a while, didn't realise things were quite that bad. Although I'm sorry for the people who through no fault of their own have lost their jobs,
I'm struggling a bit with the sympathy vote, as the rebuilt (very badly) V8 engine they supplied (3 grand plus rip off) has died after 130mls (it's a scrapper, as is my warranty). Just managed to get it thru sva thankfully. Now the car's just sitting, waiting for me to find the hard earned for a new engine.
What a bummer!!
Sorry to hear you guys still have money tied up, hope you manage to get something back, and of course manage to complete your builds without recourse to Luego.
There's no winners in this situation (accountants aside) and to continue taking money right up to the death does leave a nasty taste (yes I know this is standard practice in business, but even so!!)
Best of luck guys.


Agriv8 - 24/4/06 at 02:56 PM

I too was shocked and sadened by the news.

Not wishing to Hi-jack the post Dave is your V8 rover.

I would be suprised if its completly scrap ( it takes a lot to kill a rover V8 - unless the bottom end has broken up ) drop us a u2u or post up what you belive is wrong and myself and a few of the other v8ers may be able to assist.



chris_harris_ - 24/4/06 at 04:16 PM

As shocked as i was to hear the news, i'm not all together surprised, this is a tough, competitive market, with relatively small profit margins. That said, i alway had a good response from Grant, except that he now has £120 of my money, for parts that he stated where in the factory, or at the GRP company, and well, lets just say there not anywhere to be found!! I assume from this (rightly or wrongly) and after having quite a few different conversations today that i may not be the only one out of packet, some by about 20 - 30 times my measely amount. I appreciate that all businessess, large and small have difficulties from time to time but the truth should always be told. Good or bad.
Anyway, i've aired my view and am prepared to be shot down if i'm out of line. Good luck to all the other people waiting on parts etc!

muzchap - 24/4/06 at 05:01 PM

Ok - I agree my post may look pro-Luego..

But it's not - it's a balanced comment - ok so if people did know that the company was going into 'liquidation' - then that money is obtained by 'deception'.

I feel very, very sorry for those people as it's almost impossible to prove from the outside - unless the liquidation company can provide evidence to the contrary. Then you can pursue the individual through the small claims courts.

I too would be gutted if I had money tied up in products that will never arrive!

darrens - 24/4/06 at 06:06 PM


As for those saying about 'they should have known blah blah' - not true, you ever run a business - you keep it going right down to the wire, until every last penny has been obtained and the banks foreclose on you.

Yeh that's fair enough, but it's at the expense of others. If you hand over you money in good faith to them but they don't pay their suppliers who gets the short straw.. customer!!

Don't get me wrong, they seemed a good crew, with a very good product might I add, and I hope an off-springs comes off this, but orders should not have been taken if they were never to materialize (think that's how you spell it)

[Edited on 24/4/06 by darrens]

muzchap - 24/4/06 at 06:15 PM


I agree wholeheartedly and allude to that in a previous post to yours

It's a criminal offence to obtain money by deception

I'm truly sorry for those who have money tied up in parts that will never arrive!

As people have mentioned if you paid via 'CreditCard' then you are safe - if you trusted good old traditional cash or debit card you are out of pocket - why doesn't the fking Government sort this bollox out!

If you can prove you paid - you should get your money back! They're happy to take the 'TAXES' that push companies under!!! They should be able to reimburse you - just highlights the pathetic rights of consumers in this country!!!

The Value Added Theft - that we pay on everything should have a levy to re-imburse individuals - but oh no - they'd rather spend the money on immigrants and housing people that don't deserve to be in the country...

<rant over>

Sorry - just hate this government.. i know Luego are partly to blame, but Stealth taxes are crippling!

[Edited on 24/4/06 by muzchap]

darrens - 24/4/06 at 06:35 PM

Originally posted by muzchap

I agree wholeheartedly and allude to that in a previous post to yours

It's a criminal offence to obtain money by deception

I'm truly sorry for those who have money tied up in parts that will never arrive!

As people have mentioned if you paid via 'CreditCard' then you are safe - if you trusted good old traditional cash or debit card you are out of pocket - why doesn't the fking Government sort this bollox out!

If you can prove you paid - you should get your money back! They're happy to take the 'TAXES' that push companies under!!! They should be able to reimburse you - just highlights the pathetic rights of consumers in this country!!!

The Value Added Theft - that we pay on everything should have a levy to re-imburse individuals - but oh no - they'd rather spend the money on immigrants and housing people that don't deserve to be in the country...

<rant over>

Sorry - just hate this government.. i know Luego are partly to blame, but Stealth taxes are crippling!

[Edited on 24/4/06 by muzchap]

I agree, myself and a friend run our own electrical company and the VAT when it comes round is a twat to say the least.

I paid by VISA debit so no come back there, spoke to their insolvency company today..... I now wait in anticipation.

perksy - 24/4/06 at 08:08 PM

Sad news for everybody concerned/affected and TVR in trouble aswell, makes you wonder who's next...

darrens - 24/4/06 at 08:36 PM

Originally posted by perksy
Sad news for everybody concerned/affected and TVR in trouble aswell, makes you wonder who's next...

Heard that on the radio this morning, bad news, shutting the uk factory.

[Edited on 24/4/06 by darrens]

MikeR - 24/4/06 at 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Luego Sports Cars
[blah blah blah]

For supplies of Luego Products contact:
Custom Mouldings GRP 01455 847045
Tube Engineering Exhausts 01673862286
Dampertech Shocks 01709703992
Milfield Parts 01733 312056

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Regards The Team.

As a side point i think they made a mistake with the custom mouldings phone number. Just been googling for them as the area code looked familiar (next town - doh) and i think its 01455 848784. If i get a chance i'll call them tomorrow and see if they'll deal direct with the public.

dozracing - 25/4/06 at 08:45 AM

Hi all,

This is very sad news, because Luego always put in a lot of effort to market itself and the cars very well. They did this without losing the Locost tag, and this put the whole Locost scene in a much better light than it would have, certainly if left to the magazines.

If you have lost money on an unsatisfied order, i'm prepared to help sort it out if i can. If we can provide the parts you need then for small items we will do it for free and larger items we will do at cost. So long as you pay postage and can provide evidence that you placed an order and didn't get it. Contact me on

Kind regards,


Dave J - 25/4/06 at 12:12 PM

After my previous post about my Luego supplied V8 engine going belly up and leaving me high and dry, I would like to publicly thank those guys who have offered help (and sympathy) either via this post or by U2U.
Sadly my engine is beyond all help (as is my wallet) but it just reinforces what a fantastic bunch of people we have on this forum.
I'm sort of stuck for words (que lump in throat).

Thanks guys

All the very best,


MikeR - 25/4/06 at 12:13 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
Originally posted by Luego Sports Cars
[blah blah blah]

For supplies of Luego Products contact:
Custom Mouldings GRP 01455 847045
Tube Engineering Exhausts 01673862286
Dampertech Shocks 01709703992
Milfield Parts 01733 312056

Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Regards The Team.

As a side point i think they made a mistake with the custom mouldings phone number. Just been googling for them as the area code looked familiar (next town - doh) and i think its 01455 848784. If i get a chance i'll call them tomorrow and see if they'll deal direct with the public.

Just spoke to them. They own the moulds for the locost style and will sell those to the public for the forseable future. They will be looking at selling off the moulds to the larger style cars to cover monies owed in the near future. The open from 6:30am to 5:30ish.

Yeah, i did check 6:30am!

Seemed ok on the phone, didn't ask them any prices.

Schrodinger - 25/4/06 at 01:15 PM

I am sorry to hear that they are no longer trading.
However just to put a couple of points straight.
It is an offence to trade while knowing you are insolvent and this is what you would need the insolvency practitioner to prove.
If you have paid money over to the company then you are a creditor, the same as anybody who supplied them with goods and hasn't been paid, you are both owed money and have the same security. I know it's not nice but why should you have preference over a supplier? What you need to do is register the debt owed to you, you may at least get something back.
Finally the protection offered by the Credit card companies is thier deal it has nothing to do with the Government and in fact the CC companies have recently been suggesting that this may cease.
Hope this helps those who are still owed parts/money.

I've just re-read the post, have they just ceased trading, in which case there is no reason you shouldn't get your money back or have they gone into receivership? in which case the above does apply

[Edited on 25/4/06 by Schrodinger]

procomp - 25/4/06 at 01:30 PM

Locost limited again maybe.

MikeR - 25/4/06 at 04:51 PM

forgot about them ....... that is a blast from the past. Going to have to pop over to your place some time as your not far from me ..... must remember to leave the wallet at home though

RichB - 26/4/06 at 02:30 PM

Ummm. Blimey that's a shock! I was only up there on Saturday. They didn't have any cars in the garage but Grant said they were "sorting a few things out". I was just returning some parts they'd given me extra in the kit I'd bought (extra wishbones, hub adaptors...).

The main reasons I went with Luego were quality of product and they're (or were) only 10 minutes up the raod.

Ah well. It's a real shame (not just for me) and I wish everyone involved the best of luck for the future.

wilkingj - 26/4/06 at 06:55 PM

I rang the factory today, Ring tone no reply, no answer machine.
Both mobile Numbers are now "Not recognised"
Not surprised, considering the situation.
Anyone else have any info or numbers please U2U me.

Anyone know if the Viento wishbones (front and aft) are the same as any others, ie in the event of an accident, will any other parts fit?.

bob - 26/4/06 at 07:05 PM

If there is an auction to raise cash for any creditors owed it might be an idea for luego owners club to purchase the jigs for bones among other bits,just a thought i had since the cars will indeed need service and repair at some point.

scotty g - 26/4/06 at 09:13 PM

I'm sure i read somewhere that the wishbones are the same dimensions as the GTS ones so people could always use them if they had to.

tks - 27/4/06 at 09:11 AM

This is bad chit guys,

I had the feeling that things wheren´t going like they should, and it was confirmed when i saw that they tried to open a new triker market.

Its sad news to see and hear the post, i´m sure that with all of us on the net we can manage to build up our cars to the finish.

altough it wouldn´t be easier...

doing it..

Its mostly sad for those who have let their money on the battlefield..

also they don´t have shown much balls
on taking money and don´t deliver parts.

I never couldn´t untherstand verywell the bissinuis more because many parts you are just the put trough pipeline...

The only reason not paying a supplier is because you need to pay your emploieess..

Anyway best of luck of all of the influences people..


Their only spanish client ever..


tks - 27/4/06 at 09:27 AM

I think we should start a topic or 2

to start a partlist in that we could generate the vieuw of wich parts everyone is needing.
(sow not only for the luego builts)

if we have all of that listed its just a matter of searching a source quote the hole lot and buy it.

or just pass the order to the company.

a idea to help.



dozracing - 27/4/06 at 09:48 AM

Hi all,

If someone could lend me the rear wishbones for a week we could jig them and then we could supply all the parts you would need to build or repair a velocity.

The GTS front wishbones fit, as does the bodywork, the steering rack etc is the same, the only things we can't supply to fit a velocity at the moment are the rear wishbones. We already have the jigs to make a similar rear upright.

I did sketch the wishbones once but never bothered to draw them up properly, wish i had now.

I know its sad for the customers who have lost money but, theres a very good chance that Grant etc lost a whole more including their livelihood for a while. Thats very sad.

According to the magazines the industry had a really hard time towards the end of 2005. There is evidence to suggest that Which Kit magazine is struggling to a great deal, so maybe there are to be more casualties before things get better.

matt.c - 27/4/06 at 09:00 PM

Oh dear, sorry to here the news

Makes you think who will be next?

Simon - 27/4/06 at 09:17 PM

Where do you start.

Feel sorry for customers who've lost out, to those at Luego - as a former customer, I'd recommend them to anyone - which I did on Saturday


I know some think you may be being a little vulturish (I, for one, don't). Well done to you. It would be good if the chassis jigs/body moulds etc could go to someone in the business.

On behalf of those you can help, thanks - you may be getting an order from me at some point (I already have your coilovers - which I'm well impressed with), though I suspect I may be paying proper prices!



Syd Bridge - 28/4/06 at 11:26 AM

I've just got home from a long trip. This is sad news.

I also got home to find that a couple of smaller people I've done work for have had their overdraft facilities removed in the last week. Hence, I'm out of pocket because I can't get paid. Hard earned experience and at my age should know better. But, you've gotta trust some people sometime.


If Luego have been running on an overdraft, they may well have got a similar letter on Monday morning asking that the overdraft be repaid immediately. Hence insolvent and would be acting unlawfully to continue trading.

Folks, they could not have seen this coming if it is the case. So, cut them a little slack.

It would appear that there is an all round credit squeeze going on, and the public are not being made aware of it.

The next thing will be a big hike in interest rates. But, the powers-that-be made a decision to keep rates at around 5% near to 10 yerars ago. So.?????

My heartfelt sympathies to all concerned.


G.Man - 30/4/06 at 07:06 AM

Sad news indeed...

I don't think it was down to price cutting tho, luego's prices were competitive when I looked into buying one.. I spent nearly £15k building my car in the end, about £2.5k over budget...

What swung it for me in the end was the product... I fitted better in the MNR...

I always thought the Luego was a competitvely priced product of a good quality...

scotty g - 30/4/06 at 08:19 AM

Darren at Gts, i admire the attitude that you are showing here mate, as a competitor it would be easy to sit back and gloat and think of the extra bussiness that could come your way.
I hope that as many people as possible accept your kind offers of help and that all who have lost out can get every thing resolved and continue with there projects.
Simpaties to all at Luego, i hope all your troubles are only brief ones.
Take care all.
Scotty G

MikeR - 30/4/06 at 03:22 PM

I've just been comparing some of the stuff i've bought of one manufacturer to what Luego sold IrvineD.

At first i thought Leugo where more expensive. In the end they have come in a little more expensive but ....... the quality is better and EVERY thing was supplied in one go, no faffing, no messing, no hunting for widget a.

He got a good deal, i've still got hassle.

Originally posted by G.Man
Sad news indeed...

I don't think it was down to price cutting tho, luego's prices were competitive when I looked into buying one.. I spent nearly £15k building my car in the end, about £2.5k over budget...

What swung it for me in the end was the product... I fitted better in the MNR...

I always thought the Luego was a competitvely priced product of a good quality...

dozracing - 2/5/06 at 04:14 PM

Hi all,

At Stoneliegh the talk between the manufacturers was mainly about Luego, and Westfield being bought by Robin Hood.

As is rather typical everyone said they could see Luego's demise coming, and it was bound to happen. I find those rather bizarre comments, easy to say things like that in hindsight. I didn't hear anyone saying anything before their sad demise.

Some of the magazine editors told me they were not surprised as Grants just bought himself a new boat and something must have paid for it. No one said whether it was for the bath or a yacht for Monaco though.

Robin Hood claim the Westfield deal is done, and Westfield claim the exact opposite!

Simon has offered to loan me a set of rear wishbones off a velocity, so i'll get setup to jig them, and solve that little supply issue.


the_fbi - 2/5/06 at 05:14 PM

Originally posted by dozracing
At Stoneliegh the talk between the manufacturers was mainly about Luego, and Westfield being bought by Robin Hood.

Say what?

How the hell did I miss the wf/rh stuff...

Any threads/urls?

MikeR - 2/5/06 at 05:46 PM

search on here. its been discussed.

saigonij - 2/5/06 at 08:29 PM

Its really sad that thay have had to close - they stuff is excellent...

i now have a problem though - for the SVA i think i need a certificate to show the chassis has been stress tested - yes / no - if Luego are no more, what do i do????

Deckman001 - 2/5/06 at 08:35 PM

No certificate is needed in the uk, you might need a receipt for the chassis though to prove it isn't a home built one, but saying this, home built chassis have no problem getting through, if you have any doubts, call your local sva centre or pop in, they usually don't mind talking things through if they have time


tks - 7/7/06 at 01:45 PM

stress analysis report Grant sended it to me once..

altough dunno whats worth..


SPY290 - 30/7/06 at 07:29 PM

Just been on the Luego website and it now says 'Under New Ownership'

The site says they have re-located to Oakham in Rutland.

Things might be looking up for us who are still building...

Tel: (44) 01572 770473
Mobile: 07976 271380

Luego Sports Cars
55-57 Alexander Crescent - Oakham - Rutland - LE15 6LA

SPY290 - 30/7/06 at 07:29 PM

Just been on the Luego website and it now says 'Under New Ownership'

The site says they have re-located to Oakham in Rutland.

Things might be looking up for us who are still building...

Tel: (44) 01572 770473
Mobile: 07976 271380

Luego Sports Cars
55-57 Alexander Crescent - Oakham - Rutland - LE15 6LA

rusty nuts - 30/7/06 at 07:59 PM

Spy , where abouts in Cambridge are you? Wilkingj is in Hardwick and I'm in Shelford . If you fancy meeting a few builders try 907s barby next Sunday , I'm sure you will be made more than welcome.