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Luego owners
Snuggs - 6/5/06 at 02:51 PM

Who's got what and at what stage. or or

hector - 6/5/06 at 04:01 PM

still building 1 year after purchase, just got dash/seats/harnesses/mirrors and trimming back panel then sort out edges for sva. Also preparing to put Turbo Technics kit on after SVA-should be ready in couple of months I HOPE!!
cheers Colin

Andybarbet - 6/5/06 at 04:17 PM

Hi Snuggs,
I will definately have the bits off of you that we spoke about at Stoneleigh,bring them to newark and i will bring the cash with me, did you sell your seats ?? they were more comfy than camping chairs thats for sure.
Well ive voted as just started my velocity build cos i have just got the donor parts back from shotblasting
Just gotta sort out a garage to build it in !!

Stoneleigh next year is my goal so will see how i do !

[Edited on 6/5/06 by Andybarbet]

Paul (Notts) - 6/5/06 at 04:20 PM

3.5 RV8 plan to be on the road end of next summer.

COREdevelopments - 6/5/06 at 04:21 PM

im still building after 2 years of having chassis, i finally got my arse in gear and actually doing some work. still a fair way off.

zzr1100rick - 6/5/06 at 04:51 PM

velocity builder getting there slowly
just ordered my body work from darren at GTS so hopefully will be pressing on soon
finish time who knows

Snuggs - 6/5/06 at 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Andybarbet
Hi Snuggs,
I will definately have the bits off of you that we spoke about at Stoneleigh,bring them to newark and i will bring the cash with me, did you sell your seats ?? they were more comfy than camping chairs thats for sure.
Well ive voted as just started my velocity build cos i have just got the donor parts back from shotblasting
Just gotta sort out a garage to build it in !!

Stoneleigh next year is my goal so will see how i do !

[Edited on 6/5/06 by Andybarbet]

Sold them 10 mins before I was going to stuff them in Geoff's tent to a young lad restoring a Jago jeep.
I will try to bring the wing stays to Newark if I remember but please remind me nearer the time as my memory is not what it used to be.

ps I sold the seats to a young lad restoring a Jago jeep.


richard thomas - 6/5/06 at 05:11 PM

Just finished a velocity with a hayabusa motor, awaiting SVA date.

Hope I never need reverse in traffic.....

Johnmor - 6/5/06 at 05:55 PM

Still building, trying to sort out dash and clocks, so far so good.

Maybe finish late summer.

andybod - 6/5/06 at 06:13 PM

collected velocity oct2004 still building hoping for late summer 200-

wilkingj - 6/5/06 at 06:59 PM

V8 Viento, Been Building for 18 months.
MoT'd last weekend, and SVA on Tuesday.

Just found a leaky brake union... NOT good with SVA in two days time, and no brake shops open on Sundays.

I think the male Nuts are too short and I need to remake the pipes with longer nuts. also got to remove the bloody calipers again to bleed up..

This could be my Braking problem we discussed earlier.

wicket - 6/5/06 at 08:06 PM

Just finished a Locost except for a few cosmetic touches after 4 & a bit years, a good check over required & a clean and polish. SVA applied for last week, asked for a date in early June.

pointy - 6/5/06 at 08:16 PM

Just finished (and I mean just) a Velocity. Taking it to MOT centre tomorrow for pre-SVA check on Tuesday. Taken about 2 years to complete.

rjs - 6/5/06 at 08:29 PM

hi pointy

which sva centre are you taking your car to

Steve Lovelock - 6/5/06 at 08:50 PM

Building a Velocity, on and off for 18 months. Rolling chassis stage. Donor engine still in car but I think I've secured the use of a hoist now so will get it out shortly. Once out I am still troubled by the prospect of joining it to a type 9. Once that is done I think it could be quite quick to finish, say, urmm, at least a year!

pointy - 7/5/06 at 06:23 AM

In reply to rjs..Norwich.

andy p

bug1 - 7/5/06 at 09:20 AM

Hi I am a new luego owner I only picked my car up on march 16 what a close call that was dicided to get body at the same time but didn't get given a chassie number must be one of the last if not the last anbody no what i should do about the chassie number?

keith2lp - 7/5/06 at 10:58 AM


Velocity finished & on the road, now looking at a change of engine (poss bike over the winter.

The chassis number that Luego gave me was not accepted by the DVLA so they issued me one at the inspection.


Danozeman - 7/5/06 at 07:14 PM

Building Locost. Hopefully be done by mid to end of a summer,

richwalker - 7/5/06 at 08:18 PM

Picked up a velocity kit in January. Lots of bits done, need to connect the engine up and start on finishing it off. Would be nice to get it done before the end of the summer. Just short of the windscreen which luego have the money for!

Scotty - 8/5/06 at 07:19 AM

still going .......

Rubin - 8/5/06 at 09:17 AM

15 months in , can see light at end of tunnel some days and huge list of jobs on others.........anyone else in kent ?

simonk - 8/5/06 at 11:29 AM

Started my Viento build about two years ago. Owes me about 125 hours and more cash than I want to admit to my wife. What's left ? Engine and gearbox to install (Modified longstroke '386' Rover V8 on Edelbrock 500 4 barrel, all ready, just not in yet), Bonnet, scuttle and dash to fit and wiring to complete. Hoping to running and driving by the end of summer and SVA by the end of 2006. Interested in any common Viento SVA failure points so that I can address now. Will post photo when I get to a machine with some snaps on.

richwill - 8/5/06 at 01:25 PM

Building velocity.
Just installing fuel lines and tank soon be ready to think about fitting engine and box.
I have had the kit for 15 months but struggle to find the time and dont expect to finish for this summer.

darrens - 8/5/06 at 05:19 PM

currently at this stage, waiting for exhaust, wheels are on the way, next 10 days I hope, dash and interior to do, wiring to finish, install megasquirt and program, hopefully done before sun goes.

[Edited on 8/5/06 by darrens]

jollygreengiant - 8/5/06 at 08:24 PM

Bought Budget blaster Viento kit. Transported home but couldn't get it into prepared shed. Stored in back garden until moved house a year ago. Started work, brake pipes, interior panels, suspension, steering rack & loose fited exterior panels. Stopped work six months ago when building work started on extension to house (above garage so kit covered & relegated to Garden). Just started stripping donor (Granada 2.0i) prior to reinstalling in garage (cleaned & painted) & restarting work.

andytmc - 9/5/06 at 01:35 PM

Took delivery of the kit in April 2004, SVAed & on the road December 2005.

Looking forward to some sunny days!


DarrenW - 9/5/06 at 01:57 PM

This poll is a nightmare to non-luego builders. Unless you vote you cant see the results. I think ill vote for finished Viento.......

Snuggs - 9/5/06 at 05:43 PM

Current position for Darren and anyone else who is interested

Luego Viento - Completed 5 (9.8%) -----»
Luego Viento - Still building 8 (15.69%) -------»
Luego Viento - Just started 0 (0%) -»
Luego Velocity - Completed 7 (13.73%) ------»
Luego Velocity - Still building 24 (47.06%) -----------------»
Luego Velocity - Just started 1 (1.96%) --»
Luego Locost - Completed 2 (3.92%) ---»
Luego Locost - Still building 3 (5.88%) ---»
Luego Locost - Just started 1 (1.96%) --»

muzchap - 10/5/06 at 08:40 AM

building Veloctiy - nearly there!

rickys2000 - 11/5/06 at 06:03 PM

Almost got a Viento rolling chassis with Honda s2000 engine sitting on the floor ready to go in.........

simonk - 15/5/06 at 05:33 PM

Promised that I would post a photo when I got to the right PC - so here it is - Front wing just resting on tyre (see angry post in Cycle Wing Brackets thread) Rad and fans fitted since this photo. Engine and 'box trial fit tomorrow with luck. Rescued attachment P1010544.JPG
Rescued attachment P1010544.JPG

kenton - 15/5/06 at 10:51 PM

Hello from down in sussex.
I was looking at buying a luego at stoneleigh after chatting to the guys on the stand at detling when an unbuilt kit came up on ebay. I am now the owner of an unstarted viento, only to find 1 week later luego are no more!
Looking foreward to chatting/meeting you guys.
