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viento mirrors
Johnny T - 9/10/06 at 09:58 AM

HI, nearly finished viento v8, require mirrors, I've been sent a picture with R1 mirrors on a car that dont look too bad, but does anybody know what the ones on Luego's own car are from?
Cheers John.

Johnmor - 9/10/06 at 12:13 PM

I think the mirrors on their car were from a GSXR.
I used a couple from a CBR600, passed SVA no problem.

Dave J - 9/10/06 at 02:50 PM

My GSXR's were supplied by Luego before they went down the swannie.
They are not the greatest quality, in fact the swivelling socket joint on one of mine has disintegrated so now it just flops about

I would try to go for a better quality. My plan is to visit one or two motorcycle dealers so I can hopefully see what I'm buying.

You could always try this link:



chrisj - 9/10/06 at 05:22 PM

My luego sourced mirrors went the same way. I found a local bike breakers in peterborough and put on the GSX mirrors £35. Their alright but they don't give anything like the vision I got from the old ones.

Might be worth looking at investing some long term money with demon tweeks or europa on some long stemmed mirrors to see over the rear wheels.

Johnny T - 16/10/06 at 08:36 PM

thanks for your input, decide to fit Yamaha R1 mirrors, attached pic shows them fitted, managed to to get some height so as to see over rear wings!
Thanks John Rescued attachment luego.JPG
Rescued attachment luego.JPG