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Velocity - windscreen
jcs - 15/1/07 at 08:36 PM

After two years bulding the XT went for SVA today. Failed on windscreen!!! apparently the one supplied by the original Luego company was not of the correct standard. Although BS marked was not correct number and apparently was a building double glazing standard number. Has anyone else had this problem. I bought the windscreen as part of a comprehensive kit - delivered in January 2005 - I suggest other builders should check their screens for conformity.

rusty nuts - 15/1/07 at 08:47 PM

Remember hearing someone else had the same problem. You may find a windscreen company might be able to cut one to pattern ? failing that a plant (as in diggers?) glazzing company

DanP - 15/1/07 at 09:18 PM

or of course you could just remove it for the test

rjs - 15/1/07 at 09:23 PM

i think i heard somthing a long the lines of there windscreen glass is the same glass as your shower screen .have a look here at OBP

[Edited on 15/1/07 by rjs]

jcs - 15/1/07 at 09:32 PM

Removing screen was not an option according to the SVA inspector - too obvious with washers and wipers & demisters fitted that windscreen would be replaced after test.

muzchap - 16/1/07 at 09:17 AM


I personally don't have one - but have heard on SEVERAL occassions of this happening!

Might be worth phoning the new owners of Luego?

At the end of the day - the glass is to a standard to protect you, other road users and pedestrians. If you did put it back in after the SVA - might leave you open for all kinds of legal ramifications - should there ever be an incident (severely hope not).

Perhaps the new owners of Leugo will take pity and do a deal with you - if you don't ask, you don't get - so might be worth a phone call!


Did you have any other problems @ SVA?

keith2lp - 16/1/07 at 09:24 AM


I had the same problem in 2005, I contacted luego and they could not supply one. I managed to get one cut with the correct markings from a local windscreen company who came out and cut on site for £95.

The tester said that I could not remove it for a retest so I had no other choice.


rjs - 16/1/07 at 10:08 AM

keith i see from here
you were told the same as me .

My car failed with BS6206 markings this is the bs spec for patio doors / shower screens etc. You will need it marked to BS857/ BS857/2 to pass.

not good enough to sell screens not up to the job .

James - 16/1/07 at 10:18 AM

Originally posted by rjs

not good enough to sell screens not up to the job .

Dangerous too!

As presumably shower glass isn't going to shatter in such a 'safe' way as laminated car glass.


tks - 16/1/07 at 12:10 PM

makes me thing what i would have.

In the day i brought it i also brought the windscreen but i´m sure mine also has a tempered glass tamped on. will look up the BS number.

now i have it staying there going without..
heater etc. etc. is to much for me..


freshy26 - 16/1/07 at 07:22 PM

Thank god the old company director is no longer trading as a kit car manufactor.
I thought the cars were SVA approved, so how can they supply a windscreen which is not fit for the job.

jcs - 16/1/07 at 07:28 PM

Spoke to Dean at new Luego today who can supply the glass to the required standard - the option I am going for. I was most concerned on the way home (65miles) in case the glass shattered, fortunately my son was driving and wore a crash helmet. Certainly would not have been happy to keep the old glass.
As regards the test, which was at Southampton, found it very thorough. The chap that carried it out was very helpful and explained each part of the test as he went along, not quite the ordeal I was expecting.

rjs - 16/1/07 at 07:50 PM

out of interest how much do they want for the right glass ???