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Viento Rear Wing width
Gareth - 13/6/07 at 08:27 AM

Could some very kind Viento Owner give me the rear wing measurements (top internal width)?

I have the usual my wings are too small for my wheels story on my velocity, rang Luego who said they would give me a call back for which I am still waiting!

If the Viento rear wing are suitable I will hopefully get a closer match to existing colour, if not black goes with everything.


jollygreengiant - 13/6/07 at 08:45 AM

At the top of the arch, from the inner face of the body mounting lip :-

To the outer lip inner turned in inner edge 290mm

to the outer edge 310mm.

Hope this helps.

Gareth - 13/6/07 at 09:22 AM
