At Pembrey the Locost Technical Committee was bought back to life with the intention of if becoming more proactive in promoting, and furthering Locost
As part of this renewed enthusiasm, will be used as the on-line presence of
the Technical Committee to allow all the racers to see what their Committee is up to.
There is now a Technical Committee page on the website which contains:
- Introduction to the current Committee Members
- Locost Link - A bulletin detailing what is going on within Locosting
- Minutes from meetings - Detailed Minutes of Technical Committee discussions
A general drivers meeting will be held at Silverstone to Elect/Re-Elect Committee members, and ensure a good cross section of the grid is represented.
More information on this will be distributed nearer the time.
Please take the time to read at least Locost Link, and offer any feedback to myself, or any member of the Committee. Furthering of Locost racing is in
the interest of all of us, so please do your best to support the Committee.
[Edited on 18/7/04 by efairba1]