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Where to put Battery Master Switch?
Aussie - 4/9/03 at 08:52 PM

Hey guys where can i put the battery master switch? Does it have to be in a certain place? I looked in the series regs and it said nothing about it.



Aussie - 4/9/03 at 08:53 PM

Was hoping that i could just put it on the dash somewhere.

geoff shep - 5/9/03 at 07:40 AM

Presumably it would have to be compatible with the dashboard projections rules. If it was out of sight somewhere it would be a bit more of an anti-theft device.

GParkes - 5/9/03 at 07:54 AM


Mine is on the dashboard (top left) similar place to where the glove box would normally be. Others have them on top of the scuttle on passnger side. Others have them on the side of the scuttle on the drivers side. Some in other places as well I'm sure. I think the blue book states it has to be external to the vehicle but I've never had any complaints (yet)! I suppose as we don't have a roof the dash is ok. Take your pick!


timf - 5/9/03 at 01:08 PM

rac scrutineer says it has to be operable from the outside of a vehicle since the locost has no roof as long as its easily acessable by someone from outside the car then its ok.

ever thought of remote mount and pull cables.

DickieB - 8/9/03 at 05:36 PM

Ideally on the outside of the vehicle where you and the marshalls can reach it. Best is on top of the scuttle in the centre so that you can just reach it.

dalefaulkner - 29/9/03 at 02:13 PM

Obviously there are loads of different types of cut off switch (they all look similar), can the basic ones which are about £7 be used or must they be FIA approved at about £23. Does anyone care/check?


Dale Faulkner